My first batch of profiles

  • Hi,

    Here are 118 profiles. These were made when I first got the KPA and I find some of them good for general use and some for specific uses that may not be everyone's taste.
    Some are just profiles of an amp and some are of of an amp with one or two pedals in front.

    If you enjoy them, please use them. If you don't just delete them.…


    Mats N

  • Mats,

    could you, please, translate your file naming for us, please? All the rigs are tagged under "Traynor" as amp....

    Yup, that may be a good idea.
    As I was the first beta tester/pioneer and had no experience of profiling I was experimenting a bit with gain structure, mic placement and pedals.
    So here is my naming convention.
    MN = my initials to easily find my profiles in the KPA
    T = Amp in this case Traynor YCV-40 which is my main gigging amp.
    C, LG, MG or HG = amount of gain. C = clean, LG = Low Gain, MG = Medium Gain and HG = High Gain
    The number that follows the gain amount is the profile number taken of the same gain amount. So if it says C4 it was the 4th profile I did of the amp set clean.
    Then comes microphone and placement. For these profiles I used an SM57 and C = center cone, M = mid of cone and E = edge of cone
    Some end with 335 which means I made these profiles using my 335 to set up the sounds. If they end with Tyler I used my Tyler HSS superstrat to set up the sound.

    There are however exceptions to these rules. If you see some letter between T and the gain description like "MN T Ecs HG1 57C" then these letter tell you I profiled the amp with a pedal in front. In these instances the amp was set clean and gain was supplied the pedals. The pedals were Custom Tones Ethos, Wampler Ecstacy, Fulltone Plim Soul, Fulltone Fulldrive, Suhr Koko Boost, Rockett Pedals Flex Drive, Blackstar HT-Dual, Wampler Pinnacle and Suhr Riot.
    Then there are some exceptions to this that I don't really remember why I named them the way I did.

    Hope this helps!


    Mats N

  • Thank you very much Mats, i post a video on Youtube with one of your profile (and i wrote obviously the author of the profile). I'm trying to cover various aspect on the KPA posting videos of different musical tones, i use your "MN T HTD HG2 57C Tyl". Compression lower the overall quality of tone, but for an idea it's ok. If you want to see, it's here. Bye!

  • Thank you very much Mats, i post a video on Youtube with one of your profile (and i wrote obviously the author of the profile). I'm trying to cover various aspect on the KPA posting videos of different musical tones, i use your "MN T HTD HG2 57C Tyl". Compression lower the overall quality of tone, but for an idea it's ok. If you want to see, it's here. Bye!

    Hi Rafport,

    That sounded really good. I have to try that profile again. 8)


    Mats N

  • MN T HTD MG4 57C Tyl is so great with a Strat to play bluesy stuff. I played with that profile for 5 hours today :D Thanks again for sharing.
    Reduced Gain a bit and added treble and presence.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • MN T HTD MG4 57C Tyl is so great with a Strat to play bluesy stuff. I played with that profile for 5 hours today :D Thanks again for sharing.
    Reduced Gain a bit and added treble and presence.

    Hi Daniel and everyone else here,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's really nice to know that not only does this exchange work but the efforts we put in is actually appreciated by some and for me it's both fun and educational to see how people use my profiles.

    When it comes to these profiles I'm particularly fond of the HTD ones. They respond well to dynamics and how you set the guitar volume control. I also have fun with the gain and the definition parameters on the KPA with these.


    Mats N

  • Just recived the kemper from UPS so now icant wait to get home and do some heavy handson :D

    I saw some clips on the tube with your profiles this will be nice THANKS / Västerås bonden ;)

  • Just recived the kemper from UPS so now icant wait to get home and do some heavy handson :D

    I saw some clips on the tube with your profiles this will be nice THANKS / Västerås bonden ;)

    Ah! A fellow Swede. Please enjoy the profiles. I setting up a neck pack.


    Mats N