Occasionally get a really loud quick pop (thump) when hitting strings demoing rigs

  • I'm not sure if "pop" is the correct word, but it's a reeeally LOUD and quick thump that I'm almost sure destroyed my speaker - but it never does.
    I seem to get it when trying out different rigs and initially striking the strings on the first - or first couple of strums.
    It really scares me as it truly seems like my speaker was def blown out - let alone my eardrums feeling as though they were blown as well.
    Anyone experience this?
    what causes this?

  • I have battled that explosion for about six months. At first I thought it was the EQ located directly after the stomp section. I noticed when I moved it to before the stack, or off, I got no explosion. However, I contacted OwnHammer regarding the use of their IR and maybe I was doing something wrong. Turns out I was. The files they have listed for the Kemper can be used directly, but they are at a 6 db increase than what the output can handle. So you have to run them through Cab Maker to get it right.

    In short, double check your IR and make sure to run it through the Cab Maker before use.

    Hope this helps.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • Open Cab Maker and then choose the IR you are using for conversion. Cab Maker will optimize the file for use with the Kemper. Then take the newly created Cab and place it back in your rig.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • I spoke to Ownhammer personally and this was their suggestion and guess what . . . it worked. Problem solved. With my setup it did have something directly to do with the IR as I am sure it does with us.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • Hi Jason,

    Does this happen with all IR's, or just that particular one? Is this a .kipr file that you converted, and if so, was it with the most recent version of Cab Maker?I don't own a Kemper, and am not close with anyone who does to be familiar with the unit or able to test anything here directly (which was one of the several reasons I stopped providing .kipr files). If reconverting the file(s) with the newest version of their software and making sure your unit is on the newest firmware doesn't do the trick, I'd shoot their support an email and see if they have any ideas as it would definitely be a bug they would need to look into. If not a bug, then an oversight of needing to make sure that they re-normalize files down to a level that safely operates within the unit when they are converted to .kipr. I remember back in the day that the FAS conversion would re-normalize files down to somewhere around the -6.0 dB mark, likely for this same reason. If you let me know which file it is, i can make a quick re-render of it at -6.0 to see if that resolves the issue, and would be something to report to them (as every IR creator normalizes to almost full scale, so requesting I make my files lower for their platform wouldn't do them any good and the issue would repeat itself indefinitely).

    Hope that helps!All the best,

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”