FRFR - done it!

  • Having used my KPA live for about 18 months through a regular 4 x12, I finally ran direct into FOH and used a monitor for my on stage sound...hooray!!

    I have to say I could not have done this without a monitor at home to set my sounds so this was essential and the main barrier to date so very glad I did that. This helped find the right profiles ( along with the suggested profiles from forum members - thanks to you all!)

    So, did I get a revelation in sound? Nope....... it just sounded as good as my cab - BUT that is what I wanted. I was worried what the sound man would think and true to other people's experience, both ( I've used 2 so far) have been extremely happy, despite initial scepticism ( you want to go direct??).

    So my conclusion is...the Kemper sounds amazing FRFR OR through a regular cab.

    But now I don't have to lug a 4 x12 with car and back are both very happy!!


  • Thanks for this tip. I'm currently in the same boat as you were. Have great tone at home through my Senheisser HD600 headphones, but realizing this doesn't sound the same going direct to FOH mixer and PA.

    Would you say in your experience that getting this 12 inch monitor, you were able to achieve a tone you were pleased with, and then when playing live going direct, the tone was similar to what you set up with your monitor at home?

    Thank you

  • As far as "sound man" is concerned, in my expierience going direct sound much clearer than that speaker-air-mic-onaveryloudstage thing. When I mix a kemper (or axe) I allways thend to put it louder than the other guy with a Diezel ;) And I read similar expieriences from other people. In fact, I just want to avoid speakers or mics on a stage, much better FOH sound ;)

    But of course, when your soundman doesn't know kemper-like devices he will ask dumb questions. But hey, before I played guitar and did sound, I didn't even realize that the volume pot on a guitar influences your tone quite drasticly: it's just not our business ;)

  • <p>I bought a pair of old Peavey PR15's (powered) for a very cheap price and it is surprising how good the Kemper sounds through these. They can really move air too....sort of like an amp cab does. I got them both for less than 1/2 the cost of a Yamaha DXR 10.</p>

  • Thanks for this tip. I'm currently in the same boat as you were. Have great tone at home through my Senheisser HD600 headphones, but realizing this doesn't sound the same going direct to FOH mixer and PA.

    Would you say in your experience that getting this 12 inch monitor, you were able to achieve a tone you were pleased with, and then when playing live going direct, the tone was similar to what you set up with your monitor at home?

    Thank you

    Simplistically yes. The Yamaha DXR10 is probably the best all rounder (i.e. portability and accurate sound) and does sound better than my 12" monitor but was good enough to set my sounds up knowing it was close to FRFR. I found I needed an FRFR to at least hear it and move air in an FRFR type set up as they can sound very different to profiles and set up through a guitar cab.

    Then I felt more confident letting the sound man do his thing, knowing my base profiles/sound were good.