Profiler OS 4.0 Release Discussion

  • I know you're joking, oh Nameless One, but mate, may I say that this would be the last thing I'd want. I simply do my best to contribute in what is hopefully a helpful, friendly and sometimes-humorous (sometimes, and even this is debatable) manner.

    Well, it certainly wouldn't overheat as it runs extraordinarily-efficiently IMHO. Not sure how the screen would cope 'though.

    Forgetting ideas? I have no portable devices, so I have to retain them all day or until I can fire up the 'puter, and even then there's a lot of futzing about 'til I can record MIDI (my usual method, using outboard synths). My philosophy is that if I forget an idea (I always enforce at least a couple-of-hour delay), it wasn't destined to become a hittoon. Far too many sub-par ditties have been rendered as MIDI over the years by yours truly, and I've found that they gradually build pressure to be developed when that energy would be far-better spent on something much-more worthwhile... IMHO.

    I know what the Kemper Team™ might say to this:
    RTFM! :D

    Didn't realise you are a synth man Monkey. I don't own one but always fancied buying one. Thought of a little microkorg or something. I have a Korn EM1 sequencer which I used all the time years ago.

  • Well, it's just that I had to "embrace" the world of synths decades ago when I was forced through injury (lost use of hands for 3 years) to quit my band and gigging (playing bass). The #1 orthopaedic surgeon in the state told me I'd never play an instrument again, but I was determined to do something, hence my decision to pursue the all-in-one MonkeyBand™ concept. I figured that through editing (MIDI) and audio-recording drop-ins (playing short sections at a time), I'd be able to futz something together.

    Hey, if, as you say, you've always fancied buying one, I say go for it man! It can't hurt, Oh Nameless One... IMHO.

    I'd like to leave this alone now, if that's OK with you mate, 'cause this thread's very-specific in its intended purpose.

    You could use that 60 seconds and RUB the Kemper while it is booting...(the KPA, not what Manky-Mon is subtly implying--that can give you hairy palms

    You're too much, Gandalf! :D

    Why do I get the feeling this may end up as some kind of running joke? Well, Mank is involved, so that will increase the chances of mirth and shenanigans, front man indeed!

    Hey, I've been forced to be a frontman - if you've seen me from behind, you'd understand. :D

    Curious thoughts about forgetting ideas. Some of the best ones I have had came out of nowhere, and can go back just as easily, taking 3 days of trying to remember what that train of thought was etc. Everyone thinks differently, and the creative process is no exception. It could even come out of a dream. Someone like me has a few devices handy, or can get them in time--some useful things can happen on the back of coasters or napkins at bars, besides phone #'s--even a little note is all you need. Write first, ask questions later is my way, and the worst risk is i just lost 60 seconds You should try this kind of brainstorming for a bit Mank, different methods teach the brain to react differently; neurons that fire together, wire together. Even if you don't end up using it, the exercise is always good for that muscle.

    Agreed. I get them in dreams and then lie awake developing them in my mind. Then if an idea's still cooking along nicely an hour or two after getting up, I bake it.

    We're OT Gandalf, and as I suggested to the Nameless One, we'd better pull our heads in; this is not what folks visiting the thread are looking for.

    Stay well mate. Haven't seen much of you these past few months.