KPA Profiles by Mattfig

  • Yeah Matt has done some thing special with this, he also left out that he RESPECTS and looks after his customers, I thought i was getting some updates for the full pack, Matt went nuts and sent me many packs. I am purchasing them for support next week brother, i am not getting quality like that for free and you should get some thing back for this BE pack.

    I dont know what you learned and i am not saying the other packs are below standard, i am just saying you have really perfected it with this okay, support coming next week man, you know i am good for it :)

    Plus since your from Detroit like whippingpost , i automatically love ya man and am bias :D
    OK thats enough of my BS for today :)


    Thanks so much Ash. Without you guys as customers I'd be lost!

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    Thanks CJ....I got them from some guys on the Rig-Talk Forum....Great clips that give a clear indication of the tone...


  • I´ve these BE100-Profile for live-use in mind. After fiddling with the knobs over the weekend i must say, that these profiles are very well balanced. The sound and characteristic among each channel and switches don´t jump up and down so much. They are changing very even throuout the Gainstages. Like Ash and others stated the Low- and Midgain-Profiles are really sweet and have this grit and response to it. I don´t know how to tell, but the sound isn´t liveless like many other profiles. They got some dimension. Shure, if you reach the HG-Channels, you can feel more saturation etc., but without getting muddy or undefined. Btw, for my personal taste, these profiles got a little too much lows and highs. But that´s just me and i got these problem with nearly every profile. But therefor there is an EQ, twiddle the tone to taste. That should be no problem for recording-purpose. But for live, you can´t live without a frown-face. ;) All in all for a Marshall-(Friedman) Guy these profiles should be a nobrainer. Very nice Amp, Cabinet and Profiles.
    Thank you Mattfig!

  • I´ve these BE100-Profile for live-use in mind. After fiddling with the knobs over the weekend i must say, that these profiles are very well balanced. The sound and characteristic among each channel and switches don´t jump up and down so much. They are changing very even throuout the Gainstages. Like Ash and others stated the Low- and Midgain-Profiles are really sweet and have this grit and response to it. I don´t know how to tell, but the sound isn´t liveless like many other profiles. They got some dimension. Shure, if you reach the HG-Channels, you can feel more saturation etc., but without getting muddy or undefined. Btw, for my personal taste, these profiles got a little too much lows and highs. But that´s just me and i got these problem with nearly every profile. But therefor there is an EQ, twiddle the tone to taste. That should be no problem for recording-purpose. But for live, you can´t live without a frown-face. ;) All in all for a Marshall-(Friedman) Guy these profiles should be a nobrainer. Very nice Amp, Cabinet and Profiles.
    Thank you Mattfig!

    Thanks janus for the detailed and helpful review!!!!



    Great profiles man! One of the best out there, from clean to high.

    Cheers GE! Thanks a ton!

  • Now that the bar has been set with BE, just wondering any new amp(s) in horizon @Mattfig :whistling:

    Just put up (waiting on clips) the following:
    Mr. Boga - Based on a LaBoga amp
    JF SuperClean - The ultimate in clean round tube tone....
    Camerica - Based on Cameron Atomica
    Supra Bold - Based on Supro Amp
    Buddy - Based on Buddha Superdrive Amp

    Coming later in the week - 5150 (I, II and III)
    VoxyFace - A blend of Fender Tonestack with Vox Eq...

    Thanks for asking!

  • Matt kindly sent me three samples of the BE, one clean and two hi-gain. The clean has a minor issue: the volume is too low so you've got to raise the rig volume a bit. It is not a superb clean, but I don't think the amp is great at that! The Lead profiles are very good. Not fizzy, a tad boomy with a LP and less so with a Strat, and with minor tweaking you may adapt both to any situation (set up, live or recording, etc). The fat lead tone is excellent for rock and the other, crunchier and a tad cleaner, can do rock or blues. Sure, this pack has entered my shopping list, and may be reaching pole position soon (Indianapolis style).
    I am also curious about the new "Buddy" and the Supro. Let's have some clips, eh?
    I also revisited your Humble Randall. There are a couple of profiles there that I like a lot. A tad dark with my LP, though, but nothing to worry about!

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Matt sent me the profiles and I checked them out and purchased. These are very good. Contrary to a previous review, I do not think there is too much high end anywhere, they do tend to have a bit more low end then some of my profiles but i don't think that's a bad thing. I also thing the cleans on the amp and the profiles are very nice. If i had any tiny criticism or wish list would be to get more profiles in the mid to high gain BE mode (maybe some alternate settings or cabinets) without activating the switches (HBE/Fat/Sat)...just alternate EQ choices (or the cabinet tones), and second, with all of the BE100 (and Friedman) profiles out there I have never really heard one that totally captures that "super tight low end that Phil X talks about in his infamous youtube review", maybe that's just a Kemper thing. I have not had time yet to use the DI's but i'm thinking they are going to be great as well. Overall a tremendous pack and recommended.