Inverse FX function

  • As an example, I'd like to be able to keep the delay on while switching in a modulation and/or drive/boost. Which effects I want to include in the inverse could depend on the patch I'm using. I use a Softstep and it has the inverse button on the Performanve scene. This would allow me to set up a second sound on every patch. I know I could use morphing, but I'm on 3.3 and don't want to use the beta professionally.



  • Sorry I don't have an answer but I know this is easily done with the Kemeper remote. It's pricey but very worth it for the functions and how seamlessly it intergrates with the Kemper.

    One rig I programmed, I am able to assign two effects to a switch.

    I have the option for example:
    i have a boost and distortion controlled by switch one,

    I can have several combinations of having them both turn on/off at the press of one button,

    or assign it so I have Boost off /Distortion on, then hit the switch and they toggle to Boost on/Distorion off.

    Edited once, last by Sarasin (July 11, 2016 at 8:48 AM).