why is sinmix banned again ???

  • this forum software doesn't provide an option to adjust the maximum length. here's some brief background:

    - it were users who requested the headlines to be reasonable short in the first place. some of the commercial posters took it to an extreme and things escalated in regards of the length. as a result, the forum became very hard to read, especially on mobile devices.
    - we've acknowledged the users request and provided some ground rules, one rule was "keep the headline reasonably short"
    - some 3rd parties providing additional rigs ("developers") started to complain about other developers because their understanding of "short" differed
    - we've defined 60 characters as the maximum length so "short" wasn't something somebody had to interpret anymore
    - in general we warn multiple times before there is a ban. we are not keen on banning and consider this an extreme measure
    - we don't ban/warn when the headline exceeds the maximum by say 1 or 2 chars (don't quote me on that, this is just courtesy and might change)
    - a ban comes with a screen/notification that explains why the person is banned. so in general, unless something goes wrong, a banned person has been informed why the ban happened
    - the commercial forum is a space developers can use to advertise for their offerings. for free. we don't make them place/pay banners etc. all we require them is to follow some basic rules which we defined so this part of the forum remains an (visually) enjoyable experience for you, our users.
    - the vast majority of developers has no problems understanding/following/remember those rules. if somebody is new and doesn't follow the rules, we send out a friendly reminder

    i hope this covers most questions.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • He wanted me to let you know the following part "a ban comes with a screen/notification that explains why the person is banned. so in general, unless something goes wrong, a banned person has been informed why the ban happened" is "not true".

    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/qohJOdc.jpg]

  • of course, "he" can contact support by email and we'll look into this. though this does not explain why you forwarded the reason for his ban to him earlier on and later on it appears that he kept pretending in writing to other that he doesn't know why he is banned.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • of course, "he" can contact support by email and we'll look into this. though this does not explain why you forwarded the reason for his ban to him earlier on and later on it appears that he kept pretending in writing to other that he doesn't know why he is banned.

    I'm just relaying messages :/

  • If you're commercial profiler, I would imagine that an appreciable amount of money is tied to getting banned from this forum. As such, I'm really shocked and surprised and some people's brazen disregard for Kemper's authority here. Nobody has a "right" to be here. Kemper has given them a FREE venue to advertise and promote their business and they want to act like spoiled children when mommy tells them to clean up after themselves. Really!?!?

    If this was my forum, with the way sinmix acted in Lammert's thread I would have banned him permanently based on that thread alone. But it's not my forum.

    However, I am a Kemper user and you're potential customer. Correction, I might have been your customer...

  • If you're commercial profiler, I would imagine that an appreciable amount of money is tied to getting banned from this forum. As such, I'm really shocked and surprised and some people's brazen disregard for Kemper's authority here. Nobody has a "right" to be here. Kemper has given them a FREE venue to advertise and promote their business and they want to act like spoiled children when mommy tells them to clean up after themselves. Really!?!?

    If this was my forum, with the way sinmix acted in Lammert's thread I would have banned him permanently based on that thread alone. But it's not my forum.

    However, I am a Kemper user and you're potential customer. Correction, I might have been your customer...

    People are always shocked when the zoo keeper gets killed by the caged Lion. Sinmix is a metalhead who sells profiles. Expecting him to act business like is not going to happen.
    Eventually he will get permanently banned from here. Like I have said before, Sinmix should make his own forum.

  • You know what they say about any publicity's being good advertising? Some consolation for GK, at any rate.

    You're such a meany.

    Meany? You mean like the fact that said individual refuses to share free profiles on a regular basis?

    Hang on... D'Oh! :D

    EDIT: May I say that this sort of thread's appearance from time to time is entertaining, therapeutic, educational / enlightening, communist-titty-building and reassuring, IMHO? OK thank you, here goes:

    "This sort of thread's appearance from time to time is entertaining, therapeutic, educational / enlightening, communist-titty-building and reassuring, IMHO."

    Of course, when I say "reassuring", I'm referring to the camaraderie and spirit of the community at large.

  • IMO no one understood what he was trying to do on "that" issue, they just didnt not like the way he went about it, he started off with honest questions (people loose sight of that) ,and really that's life man, deal with it..people can carry on like that and a lot worse,FOR THE WRONG REASON, i could nick pick plenty of things people do in life i bet they would not like either (for the haters)

    Man seriously, what if some one accidentally added more characters, i am just saying to me its highly unlikely
    Sin would of DELIBERATELY added more to pee people off....

    I am sure none of us want to keep this issue going and carry on
    So he is gone for good?

    EDIT- A LOT of us can have a talk to him man, he wont "do that" again and can adjust.
    My advice, I would give him a chance after all of us talk to him. Seems like such a waste to ban him for good.
    thats all i am going to say on the matter.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 3 times, last by ashtweth (July 7, 2016 at 1:34 AM).

  • No matey; it's temporary again.

    FWIMBW, it really doesn't worry me if he continues to receive temp bans ad infinitum.

    Sure, it might be inconvenient for the mods ('though not greatly-so 'cause it's only a single post sent to him giving throaty-titty-fornication... I mean, notey-titty-warnification... dang, I mean, not-iffy-warning-causation... oh man, I've really gotta deal with this affectation-predilection.... I mean, affleck-addiction... I mean, affliction), but this sort of punishment is much like a fine in the "real world", insofar as it's inconvenient (SinMix can't post for the defined period), and therefore constant-titty-tutes a deterrent.

  • Thank goodness, sorry i had been asking if it was temp or perm, sorry for the spam.
    Thank F for that. compassion wins..ll do my part to help Sin be "user friendly"
    Yes it sounds stupid i know.

    Ah man, i am off to have a dam beer (or 6) and pretend to be Jeff Loomis


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Ah man, i am off to have a dam beer (or 6) and pretend to be Jeff Loomis

    You should replace the beer with guarana just like you always are suggesting it to me. ;)
    But I feel with you.
    I can not protect myself against the impression that in this case there is not measured in the same dimensions.

  • Harry who needs gurarna when we have you man , i just need to read your posts :D you know ,this whole episode shows me we have a great community here who stick up for each other and do the right thing, yes even the mods :).

    I am glad you guys are here and this can be put to bed.
    1 for the Kemper community here.

    Cheers to that
    ps my hands are saw from this Loomis guitar already
    AND THE KEMPER..which makes a new guitar BETTER
    i need more turmeric :thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • this whole episode shows me we have a great community here who stick up for each other and do the right thing, yes even the mods :).

    I agree :)
    Nothing is perfect.In my opinion this forum ist the best I even have seen.
    Its not important that the accordance is 100% as long it is handled in civilized and repectfull way.

  • In my opinion the Kemper guys have been very "moderate" in how they moderate the forum. I'd issued a few more warnings and probably a few permanent bans too, if I was responsible for it - not talking about this particular issue.
    I know of a few places where you could receive a ban for even talking openly and critically about an issue like that.

    It's the mothership's forum, they are responsible for it and its rules in every way. We have always been encouraged to offer opinions, but we don't have legal rights to claim or demand anything here. If I had been given a luxury suite for my business like this, I'd be happy to follow a few formal rules - and if I'd ever screw up, which can happen to anyone - for whatever reason - I'd swallow the bitter pill - and be happy to return.

    let's move on.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • .... he will get permanently banned from here. ...

    That wouldn't be fair at all! Please follow me for a minute.

    Thankfully G String has closed that Lammert's thread with the following statement "the kindergarden has been closed for today.
    Sinmix wasn't the only contentious person on that thread. Few others were very offended by the opening thread statement and I quote from that thread "But if you go out of your way just to comment and complain about the price or sound I'll think you're a pathetic little twat with no life." Key word is "twat". I didn't think I could use that word in this forum.

    From dictionary : twät/noun vulgar slang1.a woman's genitals.2.a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.

    I accepted the use under my respect for freedom of speech and the principal that most in the end of the day can fairly judge at least for themselves.What sinmix did that I wouldn't do was get under the skin of lammert by questioning the high price and whether a profile of an SM57 can be that unique and good enough for 50 dollars for one profile. If I were Lammert I would have kept my cool and said, "I have my secret sauce that I wouldn't want to discuss openly" and ignored sinmix. On the other hand sinmix didn't use any vulgar language and he tried to discuss the science and art of micing. So it can easily be argued that using a word like "twat" warrants similar fate to sinmix but it's confusing because sinmix is banned . I'm not advocating to also ban Lammert so please don't misunderstand. I have respect to both, him and sinmix, I just think that it was just an unfortunate argument. It happens in the best of families :D .

    So let's look at this forum as one family united by their interest in the KPA and few other things such as our humanity in the first place. If someone acts in ways we don't personally like, let's not call the moderatora and say ban him/or her (are there any hers here). I don't think so, because if we did, we would have heard something about using the words "Twat" and "douchebag"

    Clearly it wasn't cool or wise that sinmix chose to argue with another seller of profiles as he himself also sells profiles packages for 60-80 dollars per pack and anyone can argue that if you don't split these packs, then when anyone buys the pack just for one amp, he's paying more than 50 per amp because we all know, we usually end up with one or two profiles of each amp.

    I don't want to rant on but I just want to say that banning is not something that I like to see happen as common practice. I think everyone has potential for learning from their own mistakes. Warning points and short term bans, will eventually teach and educate.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (July 8, 2016 at 5:14 AM).

  • I think everyone has potential for learning from their own mistakes.

    I agree with all you wrote, except this one sentence I quoted. Specifically I am very much pro freedom of speech. But if freedom is not connected with responsibility there will be chaos.

    I wish so much you were right that everyone can and will learn from mistakes. But after more than half a century on this planet I got enough evidence that this is wrong. Some can, others cannot. The temporary banning feature is for the ones who can. They get their second chance. The permanent banning feature is for the latter.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • I agree with all you wrote, except this one sentence I quoted. Specifically I am very much pro freedom of speech. But if freedom is not connected with responsibility there will be chaos.

    I wish so much you were right that everyone can and will learn from mistakes. But after more than half a century on this planet I got enough evidence that this is wrong. Some can, others cannot. The temporary banning feature is for the ones who can. They get their second chance. The permanent banning feature is for the latter.

    Believe me, I also agree with you 100% and many will not learn from their own mistakes. That's why I left it at "has potential for learning" and didn't want to elaborate hoping to focus on that potential to avoid having to judge. I understand the difficulties of having to judge and I feel bad for the moderators who have to judge this childish stuff.but I don't see any harm in letting arguments settle on their own sometimes without constantly keeping score and declaring someone banned.