[RZ] Dual Rec REV F-Fortin 33 + Grind boosts available.

  • [Blocked Image: http://reampzone.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2016/07/revf.jpg]

    1992 Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier REV F.

    Cabs used: Mesa Boogie, Bogner and Framus so far.
    Mics: SM57 plus MD421 more to come...


    Store page: http://reampzone.com/downloads/mesa…kemper-profiles

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    Demo video by Glen Drover (Former guitarist of King Diamond, Testement and Megadeth) - Thanks Glen!

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    #New video

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    Edited 10 times, last by MentaL (July 4, 2017 at 10:50 AM).

  • The pre order profile rocks! I love the very defined mesa sound, the pronounced mids, it is brutal! I picked my guitar and played through all my Metallica repertoire! And somehow it sounds very modern too, I suppose that it would sit nice in a modern production mix (well, that is, if I find myself a good mix engineer!) :thumbup:

  • What Deadpan Said :P

    10 bucks...and Dan thinks 15 is expensive... not for that quality :thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Hi MentaL,

    Sounds great, considering a grab! Can I give you some honest feedback from someone that has made a living from e-commerce for the past 16 or so years - I find your website quite slow, unable to middle click open profiles to view, and sometimes in Chrome at least pages don't even seem to load or lag out. For what its worth, if there is any easy, cheap and quick option for you to switch or upgrade your site it might be worth a consider as I've happened upon your site a few times in the past months and mostly left it due to endless "loading" animation.

    Not meaning to be negative at all, if its serving you well that please disregard, and all the best ;) Great profiles!

    EDIT: I did some quick debugging for you - some of the Cloudflare hosted content takes 5s+ to load here. Strange

    Edited once, last by RaMoNsTeR (July 4, 2016 at 9:35 AM).

  • Hi MentaL,

    Sounds great, considering a grab! Can I give you some honest feedback from someone that has made a living from e-commerce for the past 16 or so years - I find your website quite slow, unable to middle click open profiles to view, and sometimes in Chrome at least pages don't even seem to load or lag out. For what its worth, if there is any easy, cheap and quick option for you to switch or upgrade your site it might be worth a consider as I've happened upon your site a few times in the past months and mostly left it due to endless "loading" animation.

    Not meaning to be negative at all, if its serving you well that please disregard, and all the best ;) Great profiles!

    EDIT: I did some quick debugging for you - some of the Cloudflare hosted content takes 5s+ to load here. Strange

    What country you from and what addons you using? Adblock, no-script?... and so on. Could be a geolocation issue since CF is going to route it to the nearest DC to you.

  • MentaL,

    In Melbourne, Australia. I just tried to now and for some reason it seems much faster, not seeing the loading animation thing at all, and drilling to profiles is way quicker. Weird as its been slow for me previously, anyway seems ok now!

  • External Content www.youtube.com
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    Video :) Featuring Jay Wud.

  • Hi

    Tomorrow the DIRECT pack should be added to the update. I'm working on getting various configurations non boosted as opposed to all boosted that seems to be the norm so you're going to get the natural mesa tone , a bit more looser a bit more defined (looser and defined?!!?) and with a bit more scope. At the moment I've done the following non boosted.

    - Clean channel
    - Orange Vintage
    - Orange Modern
    - Red Modern

    Plus switching between Bold and Spongy all non boosted and Diode vs Tube. Total count thus far... 32. Will probably end around with 50/60 direct profiles.

    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/OmxyRXS.png]

    So it's probably wise to pre-order before the price hike.