WAH issues again..Can't get it to sound right or feel right with Mission Pedal.

  • The deal is that I can't get the settings right and it's WAY WAY too complicated..You should NEVER have to fiddle with a Wah more than a minute. It doesn't need a million settings. Here are my main gripes:


    I can't get a WAH that sounds real or deep enough even at 100%. I've own Crybaby, Clyde, Vox, Manley. This Kemper WAH is unusable thus far....I'm 45 a pro and have been playing guitar over 30 years...So..


    I can't get the pedal to react like a real WAH. The 2 Mission Electronics pedals I have behave exactly the same. I that at about 1/3 the way up the filter kicks in and starts opening up and then before 1/2 way it's WIDE open. There's a VERY narrow amount of sweep on the pedal itself until the Filter in the WAH effect closes. This is at EVERY SETTING. It just doesn't FEEL natural and no matter what I do or how I set it I can't play WAH correctly like this after 30 years of playing every kind of real WAH and other modelers/FX processor WAHs. Anyone have any insight?

  • I'm using a mission pedal and the Kemper cry baby wah preset. Feels and sounds good for me. I am connecting to a Liquid Foot controller that does an automatic calibration when you power up the controller. Have you calibrated the pedal with the KPA?

  • I'm using a mission pedal and the Kemper cry baby wah preset. Feels and sounds good for me. I am connecting to a Liquid Foot controller that does an automatic calibration when you power up the controller. Have you calibrated the pedal with the KPA?

    I had a liquid foot before the Remote. Yes of course I have calibrated the pedals. So you are saying the Wah feels like the filter opens and closes in the right spot on your mission pedal?

  • What FW are you on? Most of the 4.x betas have very laggy expression pedal tracking, that might be what you're experiencing. 4.0.3 has improved it somewhat, though I still notice very slight lag when connecting to the Remote rather than straight in to the back of the Kemper.

    I have the Mission EP1-KP and it performs perfectly on 3.3.0

    Check this thread for some useful presets. There's bound to be a couple that suit your taste, or at least provide a good starting point for further tweaking.

  • Hi, maybe you allready tried this too, but if not, it sure helped me to improve the wah sound:
    In system you can choose too types of wah. Both make the pedal react differently.
    In some youtube demo a guy preferred type 1, but I prefer type 2.
    (Still not the greatest wah I've ever heard however, but good enough for me now)