Bank Change with Softstep in Performance Mode

  • I'm trying to use my Softstep to browse performances without auto-loading them. I use the Kemper scenes from KMI's website and Performance Load is "Pending". I use CC#49 and CC#48, but as soon as I step up a bank, the first Slot loads. I have Performance Mode setup so that my most used sounds are in the two first banks, like I'm used to from my G-System. Why can't I get this to work?



  • The answer is in the KPA's Settings Menu:

    Parameter “Performance Load” in System menu determines what happens, while you step or scroll through your Performances via Remote or MIDI. Default “Pending” means that the current Rigs stays loaded and the Profiler keeps waiting a few seconds for your Slot selection. “Slot 1” and “Keep Slot” load these Slots automatically.

  • The trick was to send CC#48/49 value "1" immediately followed by "0". I set value "0" to be sent with Foot Off. I couldn't find this info anywhere, but now everything works as expected.

    "If Performance Load is "Pending" MIDI CC #48 Value 0 will step up one Performance and then wait there for you to select a Slot via MIDI CC #50-54. If you send MIDI CC #48 Value 1 it will step up by one Performance and after a while start scrolling upwards until you send MIDI CC #48 value 0 to stop scrolling. If you don't stop, it will run to Performance 125. "

    "CC#48/49 value 0 loads immediately the next Performance. If you send value 1 instead next Performance appears in pending mode, and if it's followed by value 0 you can avoid that scrolling even starts. Your Softstep should be capable of sending value 1 when you hit the button and value 0 when you release it. This way you have all options. You can just step up or down one Performance in pending mode or you could even use scrolling. "

    I hope this helps someone else! This could be implemented better in the Softstep Kemper scenes.