• This is exactly why i prefer Kemper...They've stuck with what works & have never shoved new product down out throats every 6 months!

    I recently purchased the AX8 just to compare. To me the KPA blows it our of the water. There's a realness that the KPA has that the AX8 didnt have. I can't comment on other Fractal products...

    It just seems money hungry to me!

  • OK, sports fans . . . . maybe I should clear something up here. I wasn't knocking the KPA at all . . in fact I'm thrilled with the tones in this box and the availability of stuff online . All I was speculating about was the fact that the KPA is , well, "old" in digital terms compared to its competition and that I wouldn't be surprised if a newer, more powerful KPA II came out with some big upgrades as far as signal routing, more FX , a more flexible stereo effects chain, possibly dual amp rigs, etc because of more powerful DSP chips that are available. Now, why would I surmise this? Because that is what every other company is doing and has been doing for a while now. Landfills are full of old Line 6 and Digitech gear.

    Because I've had my Toaster for less than 6 months I'm thrilled Kemper hasn't put out a new one, simply because I would feel like a sucker for buying a model that would be obsolete in a year. If Ingolf is correct and there is still plenty of headroom left in the KPA I couldn't be happier. In fact, I respect Christophe for trying to max out the hardware on this unit instead of simply putting out a new KPA II and milking us for more cash. :thumbup:

    So, I apologize if someone got the impression that I was looking to start any controversy, spread any rumors, or have an argument on this forum. It's the last thing I want to do here. The world has enough strife in it already.

    and besides . . I like you guys on here . . . 8)

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  • I guess Cliff feels L6 chasing his tale... He has been delaying the FX8 waiting for the Helix to come out, then priced it 100 $ less.
    As far as I know the man, this is his way to react to competition.

    As for the KPA II... Pretty sure there's lot of room left for improvements in the current version, and granted Eng. Kemper has stated that there will never be a KPA Mk II. At the same time tho, the market would be more than ready to welcome a floor player with half of the services the Helix offers. Take off the bells&whistles (capacitive switches, lights, 8Ins\8Outs), copy the routing and the ability to use as many fx and two parallel chains... and you get something many people would kill for, specially considering the stupid amount of available rigs which would kill any competitor.
    After all, Kemper never said there would never be a new player... ;)