What happened with my Remote?

  • Has someone seen this before? When I started my Kemper + Remote+Mission pedal, I noticed that my Wah setup on my Remote and Tuner showing up with heel on my Mission Pedal didn't work anymore.
    I used it the day before. So restarted a few times, same thing.
    Than I noticed a dialogue window on my Kemper, indicating that the Kemper witnessed a new Remote Pedal or something? I had to type in date, time and my name?
    I have never seen that before.
    Than I had to change the pedal setting in my Kemper, to setup the mission pedal right to get was and volume behavior as I had it before. Fortunately I had it written down.
    Anyway, can someone tell me what just happened? I have not installed anything new and have no clue what I witnessed and why my pedal settings were gone.

  • Hi Sharry,

    thanks for your response. I have a spare CAT5 cable with me, so shall use it when this occurs again.
    The thing is: I can not remember that I ever saw these questions on my Kemper where I had to enter date, time and my name before.
    Also, the pedal setting in my Kemper were gone/changed. I had to set that right again. I wonder how the cable between the Remote and the Kemper could have caused that...
    Anyway, let's see what happens.

  • Hi Sharry,

    thanks for your response. I have a spare CAT5 cable with me, so shall use it when this occurs again.
    The thing is: I can not remember that I ever saw these questions on my Kemper where I had to enter date, time and my name before.
    Also, the pedal setting in my Kemper were gone/changed. I had to set that right again. I wonder how the cable between the Remote and the Kemper could have caused that...
    Anyway, let's see what happens.

    When you power the Profiler on for the very first time you are prompted with the dialog that asks you to verify time and date and enter your user name. This also happens after a system reset. But i am not aware of any dialogue that tells you that a new Remote pedal has been detected. If that ever happens again please make sure to take a picture of the display and send it to support@kemper-amps.com

  • OK, after some more reading, my conclusion is that my Kemper has done a System Restore (Factory Restore). I do not know why, but this explains the fact that I had to do the "Startup Dialogue" again + that I lost settings for my expression pedal, as these were set in the SYSTEM menu settings. I gues there was no detection of a new Remote pedal, this is how I misinterpreted the Startup Dialogue in combinnation with me Remote acting weird.
    I will go and check all my settings in the SYSTEM menu and than I should be fine. Except for the fact that I can't explainwhy this System Restore happened.
    Thanks for your support on this.