*** FIXED *** => 4.0.2 + Midi Pedal ....... Basic Midi Program Changes [ PC ] are *also* causing lag / delay .... both visually and sonically ...... like with Perf Mode ..... :(

  • Hi all

    Using 4.0.2 and my BJ Devices TB-12 [ not the Kemper Remote ].

    Until the Perf Mode midi switching lads are fixed I decided I would go back to the tried-and-trusty simple PC [ Program Change ] Midi FSW ..... really basic but its always worked great and smooth and surprisingly quick to ..... NOT any more..... :(

    Just like the Midi Perf Mode switching lag [ display and audio ] basic midi PC patch changing is also doing the exact same thing :( :( :( ..... this was never an issue when I was running with FW 3.01 and this same Midi FSW

    It makes live switching very slow and glitchy

    => others seeing this too ?

    => is this currently being addressed ?

    I really don't want to down-grade just to get the same midi fsw I had back in prior FW's.


  • .... and for testing / de-bugging ....... if I move from rig-to-rig using the Rig Arrow Buttons on the front of my KPA = no problems ..... its a Midi Spec / Implementation bug / error that is in 4.0.2 that is causing this problem.


  • *** FIXED ***

    Same problem with 3.3.

    Solution ?

    I closed Rig Manager and unplugged my Kemper's USB connection from the PC ..... all fixed :)

    4.0.2 back on = all Midi FSW with my TB-12 not only working totally lag-free [both on display and audio] but with 4.0.2 and " Rig X-Fade " set to around 2, Browser PC [ Program Change ] Midi Switching is so close to instant that it feels and repsonds instantly :)

    Hope this helps others avoid losing more of their hair :)


    Edited once, last by benifin (May 18, 2016 at 2:04 PM).