AX8 for effects only with Kemper owners opinions

  • At first I started explaining to her how she doesn't play guitar or know anything about the essential
    equipment that goes with them.

    Then she said, neither do you. ;(

    So I just preceded to wow her with the Big Sky and let it do all the work.
    It worked. :D
    She didn't realize it didn't take all three pedals to make them sounds.

  • both strymon and eventide are great units. funny i sold all my strymons for h9 max after comparing fx for several weeks. I stopped listening to stuff on youtube that I was interested in buying. its either crappy audio , bad demos, bad playing, or over produced. like I said they are both great products. Still on the fractal list though, waiting,wating,wating... wondering what best move would be? I can buy a kemper with FB plus a gt800 amp for FRFR cabs for the price of an AFX and MFC, so save about 5-600 bucks. your wife sounds pretty cool you might want to keep her around.. :) enjoy

  • both strymon and eventide are great units. funny i sold all my strymons for h9 max after comparing fx for several weeks. I stopped listening to stuff on youtube that I was interested in buying. its either crappy audio , bad demos, bad playing, or over produced. like I said they are both great products. Still on the fractal list though, waiting,wating,wating... wondering what best move would be? I can buy a kemper with FB plus a gt800 amp for FRFR cabs for the price of an AFX and MFC, so save about 5-600 bucks. your wife sounds pretty cool you might want to keep her around.. :) enjoy

    Yeah I am going to keep her.

    I really wanted to like the H9.
    Here is one of the videos that made me think the sound was too digital and nasally.
    Everything he plays sounds bad to me.
    Doesnt sound any where near natural.
    I don't believe it is the audio for the video that is bad.
    Well the Floyd sounded good.

    I guess there could be something in the chain messing it up.

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    I guess I could have tested it myself through Amazon.
    But I can be quite impulsive at times.
    And impatient.
    Its a curse.

    Edited once, last by Inthrutheout (May 20, 2016 at 4:39 AM).

  • I found that most fx are over the top in most videos. I think the key is subtle adjustments and not over doing the fx to your chain. too much of one thing makes the ear tired quickly. If you ever get around to actually trying the H9 you might really like it. remember the max is lifetime fx for free. I bought mine used for 525.00. either brand is a winner though. I really loved my strymons just needed to downsize mainly. One very nice thing with h9 is the editing on computer. so much easier than dealing with pedals on the floor. It would be awesome if strymon did this soon or came out with a pedal like the H9, I'd buy one in a heartbeat :)

    how do you like the kemper so far is it doing what you thought it would do for you?. lacking anything for you? I'm still on the fence trying to decide. guess i could order from sweetwater and return if it didn't work out.

  • No regrets on the KPA at all.
    Would replace if needed in a heartbeat.
    It is not perfect but I have had no better as far as sound quality and for having so many amps in one box.

    There are things I would change to fit me but nothing in the sound quality department.

  • yes nothing is perfect. the kemper sounds like what i'm looking only reservation is not being able to create my own presets but dont think thats worth a grand more to accomplish with

    your setup should kill it. might be a chore connecting all those though to the kemper IDK BUT if you pull it off should sound awesome indeed. Please post the results when you get it all together.

  • One of the things that really sucks about the AX8 is that you can only send one PC per stomp and you can't even send CCs. So you'd need to get a separate foot controller if you want to sync together even more gear.

    I think you made the right decision with the Strymons. From what I've heard, even though they aren't multi FX, the quality of sounds is better than the Axe or the Kemper.

  • I would seriously recommend the Source Audio One Series pedals. As goos as anything I have heard and the Nemesis Delay kicked off some seriously good delays from my regular pedal board. They are midi capable and if you buy the Chorus, you can also load up all the mod effects from the Phaser or vice versa.

  • I would seriously recommend the Source Audio One Series pedals. As goos as anything I have heard and the Nemesis Delay kicked off some seriously good delays from my regular pedal board. They are midi capable and if you buy the Chorus, you can also load up all the mod effects from the Phaser or vice versa.

    Funny you mentioned that. I tried out a Source Audio filter pedal today and it was pretty damn cool. Is the Nemesis Delay better than a Strymon Timeline? That sounds awesome, I shall definitely check into it further.

  • Funny you mentioned that. I tried out a Source Audio filter pedal today and it was pretty damn cool. Is the Nemesis Delay better than a Strymon Timeline? That sounds awesome, I shall definitely check into it further.

    for ME it's the best delay I've owned. I had a Timeline, Echolution 2 Deluxe and H9. Nothing compares for value/dollar. It's a keeper for sure. Even sold off my Black Fountain oil can delay as the Nemesis oil can is so good. I love that you can add effects via loop for the delay repeats.

  • The nemesis is THE underated delay pedal.Don't get fooled by the looks, that things sounds great and as massive power under the hood.

    I have the Nemesis, Gemini and Lunar. The flexibility AND sound of the Source Audio stuff is just amazing

    i did did a few Dunky's N' Demos vids for them.

  • The nemesis is THE underated delay pedal.Don't get fooled by the looks, that things sounds great and as massive power under the hood.

    I saw a video, what is really cool is that the controls are very simple to understand. And it seemed to me that more sounds were usable than unusable, unlike a lot of delays.