P&W/Worship/Church guitarists, what amps/profiles are you using?

  • I didn't see another thread on here about this so I figured I'd start one. If you play in a church or are a P&W artist, what amps are you using?

    I'll go first. Right now, I'm switching between:

    • MBritt Matchless SC30
    • MBritt Divided By 13 FTR37
    • A/M Bad Cat Black Cat

    ...all of them set pretty clean and I run my pedalboard into the Kemper for overdrives. What about you guys?


  • I run a pretty similar setup to you. My two favorite profiles are:

    1) theampfactory AC30 clean (gain on like 3.5 LEDs, can't remember the exact number.

    2) Rig exchange Morgan AC20

    Obviously I love AC30 sounds.

    I run them both pretty clean, with mainly the king of tone in front for drive, and often a klon. Delays come from timefactor', reverbs from bigsky with small, medium, and large presets.

  • Just running Kemper with no external effects:

    1. MBritt Marshall SL3
    2. MBritt XITS-50
    3. MBritt 3P Clean
    4. MBritt DumbleFord

    i changed the names slightly so these are not listed exactly as they are titled from Michael.
    These sound great through the PA system and at decent volume levels.


  • I run them both pretty clean, with mainly the king of tone in front for drive, and often a klon. Delays come from timefactor', reverbs from bigsky with small, medium, and large presets.

    i would love to use the kemper's loop for my wet fx so I can use other gainer profiles, but it's too much of a pain to run a 2nd and 3rd cable across the stage for that.

    I've actually been thinking of putting my Timeline and BigSky in a rack drawer so I can have them in the FX Loop and not run a bunch of cables across the stage to make it happen. Then I would just control them via a MIDI controller (my Disaster Area DMC-8D)

  • I've actually been thinking of putting my Timeline and BigSky in a rack drawer so I can have them in the FX Loop and not run a bunch of cables across the stage to make it happen. Then I would just control them via a MIDI controller (my Disaster Area DMC-8D)

    Same here, but I figure if I'm using midi I might as well switch over to using the Kemper for my drive sounds too, but I am having a tough time finding a midi controller flexible enough. I need to be able to pull up any of 4-5 drive sounds, 12 delays, 3 reverbs, and a preset modulation effect, and tap tempo all at any time and in any combination.

    Possibly considering the behringer with an unofficial firmware, so I can have a volume and expression built into it.

  • So I'm thinking of starting a commercial profile site where I profile commonly used (or at least, sought-after) worship amps (Jackson Scarlett 30, Morgan AC20, Matchless DC30, etc) and profile them by themselves and then, for each amp, have like 50 profiles with different boutique overdrive pedals (Klon KTR, Morning Glory, Mulholland Drive, TS808HW, King Of Tone, a couple of different versions of Scarlett Love, etc) at different gain and volume levels running into the amps at edge-of-breakup.

    Would there be be a market for this? Does that sound intriguing?

  • I haven't seen the kemper making a big dent in the P&W community yet, at least as far as TGP is a representation of the P&W community as a whole. Though for me it's perfect due to the weight, setup time, consistent sounds, lack of maintenance, no stage volume, etc.

    It's perfect for churches to pick up due to the fact that a lot of church players are younger/not that passionate/volunteers/ and don't have super nice setups, and this way anyone that plays can at least have the potential for good tones if they're a halfway decent player.

    My church here in Vegas has started installing them in our satellite campuses with some of our profiles for all the other players to use and it has generally been pretty great for the guys without a ton of gear.

  • Ok guys I just discovered this profile, wow. It's incredible at gig volumes in a mix with my tele and duesenberg.
    Thanks for the tip. I'LL have to play around with this when I get a chance..

    you guys gotta make the jump to using dirty profiles and putting your wet fx in the loop.

    Also included is a pic of the EQ I put on a lot of profiles. HPF at 200, LPF at 8k. Helps the sound guy with the mix, or if the sound guy is clueless, takes care of the filtering for him =)

  • So I'm thinking of starting a commercial profile site where I profile commonly used (or at least, sought-after) worship amps (Jackson Scarlett 30, Morgan AC20, Matchless DC30, etc) and profile them by themselves and then, for each amp, have like 50 profiles with different boutique overdrive pedals (Klon KTR, Morning Glory, Mulholland Drive, TS808HW, King Of Tone, a couple of different versions of Scarlett Love, etc) at different gain and volume levels running into the amps at edge-of-breakup.

    Would there be be a market for this? Does that sound intriguing?

    Uh, yeah.. take my money now..Seriously though, it's just a matter of time before kemper explodes on this front...
    You just listed my go to profiles except I don't own a Scarlett 30 and also like and use and HC30

  • <p>

    So I'm thinking of starting a commercial profile site where I profile commonly used (or at least, sought-after) worship amps (Jackson Scarlett 30, Morgan AC20, Matchless DC30, etc) and profile them by themselves and then, for each amp, have like 50 profiles with different boutique overdrive pedals (Klon KTR, Morning Glory, Mulholland Drive, TS808HW, King Of Tone, a couple of different versions of Scarlett Love, etc) at different gain and volume levels running into the amps at edge-of-breakup.&nbsp;</p>

    Would there be be a market for this? &nbsp;Does that sound intriguing?

    I'm in, that is a great idea!

    And also to the OP, I have been using TAF Bassman and FTR37, with Ownhammer IR's.

  • It completely makes sense in a larger church with younger or less experienced players to be able to even out the differences in gear and "control volume" issues by installing Kempers and by analogy (though rough) V-Drums helped me control similar issues of volume and skill levels...
    BTW I use MBritts Marshalls and And44s Two Rock

  • So I'm thinking of starting a commercial profile site where I profile commonly used (or at least, sought-after) worship amps (Jackson Scarlett 30, Morgan AC20, Matchless DC30, etc) and profile them by themselves and then, for each amp, have like 50 profiles with different boutique overdrive pedals (Klon KTR, Morning Glory, Mulholland Drive, TS808HW, King Of Tone, a couple of different versions of Scarlett Love, etc) at different gain and volume levels running into the amps at edge-of-breakup.

    Would there be be a market for this? Does that sound intriguing?

    Hi Paul, there's a huge untapped market here. Like above, take my money now! As you know, worship guitarists love there gear, amps and pedals alike. Most are trying to emulate the sounds from Bethel, HIllsong, and the others, but most are resistant to digital solutions like the kemper. I think if you were to create rig packs that made these sounds readily available to the market from the Kemper, and they were good sounding profiles, it would blow up in the worship community.

    As you know a huge part of that worship sound comes from pedal overdrive and not overdrive from an amp. I'm very resistant to buy pedals to create my sound because i want to keep things simple, but i really want that pedal overdrive sound that is so popular in worship music. I know rigbusters makes profiles of overdrive pedals in front of their amp, but they are NOT doing this specifically for the worship community.

    If you were to do this, you would definitely be on the forefront of a very untapped market.

    I'll have my money waiting for you and I want to see this done by tomorrow...

  • I've been using the Kemper on Sundays for a couple of years now. I recently ditched my drive pedals, save one homemade WIIO that I use for boost on solo stuff. All the profiles I use are MBritt. Most common are 65 Proverb, Princeton, Marshalls, Colonials, and occasionally Vox stuff. So now, I just get my drive from the various amps. It's easier and lets me sort of develop my own sound. The delays and reverbs are what really gives most of the P&W sound, for me anyway. If the new delays are all we're hoping they will be, I may may ditch my Strymon stuff as well and finally lose the huge pedalboard

  • I've been using the Kemper on Sundays for a couple of years now. I recently ditched my drive pedals, save one homemade WIIO that I use for boost on solo stuff. All the profiles I use are MBritt. Most common are 65 Proverb, Princeton, Marshalls, Colonials, and occasionally Vox stuff. So now, I just get my drive from the various amps. It's easier and lets me sort of develop my own sound. The delays and reverbs are what really gives most of the P&W sound, for me anyway. If the new delays are all we're hoping they will be, I may may ditch my Strymon stuff as well and finally lose the huge pedalboard

    This. no external pedals for me either. Each amp in various gain stages with a TS boost as needed depending on amp. All my effects are from the kemper at this point. With the new delays and reverbs getting better and easier to cover ground needed without a timeline and bigsky ! Also, MAB reverb presets are pretty darned good with the old reverbs. This guy spent some time on these sounds. Anyway, all kemper for me and Im sure Ill be more pleased as dev continues in this area.

  • Wanted to share one other profile I use all the time:

    44-Vox AC30 Clean+

    It's in theampfactory bundle 1 I believe. This is my main go-to profile. Takes my KoT and klon really well. Cleans up really well. Real bright how I like it but not ice picky even with a tele. You have to run your wet fx in the loop though otherwise your delays and verbs will sound really bad in front of a distorting amp.

  • So I'm thinking of starting a commercial profile site where I profile commonly used (or at least, sought-after) worship amps (Jackson Scarlett 30, Morgan AC20, Matchless DC30, etc) and profile them by themselves and then, for each amp, have like 50 profiles with different boutique overdrive pedals (Klon KTR, Morning Glory, Mulholland Drive, TS808HW, King Of Tone, a couple of different versions of Scarlett Love, etc) at different gain and volume levels running into the amps at edge-of-breakup.

    Would there be be a market for this? Does that sound intriguing?


    that at sounds promising. I'd especially be interested in the profiles with the pedals, since the KPA doesn't have a great selection of overdrives.

  • I use the MBritt AC30 B1 profile. I use the Kemper's morph feature in place of external drives. For the AC30 B1 profile, I do this by setting gain around 9:00am on the low end of the morph, and gain around 11:30am on the high side of the morph. Then I can use my morph volume pedal like a boost pedal, and it works great.