P&W/Worship/Church guitarists, what amps/profiles are you using?

  • The practice actually went off without a hitch.... used the /13 set.

    Still need the prayers for my playing though! :S

    I had my remote freeze at home during tweaking but still had my usb attached ...unhooked it and that seem to do the trick.

  • So I used the new AC30 pack from Mbritt last night at church and really liked them. I may switch back to the Guyatron for tomorrow nights service.

    Anyone tried anything good/new? Also how are you all liking the new delays?

    Used some of the new Britt profiles yesterday. I think they will largely take over my Vox needs for the near future.

    Used the new delays, too. They are gorgeous.

  • So I used the new AC30 pack from Mbritt last night at church and really liked them. I may switch back to the Guyatron for tomorrow nights service.

    Anyone tried anything good/new? Also how are you all liking the new delays?

    I just got the new AC30 pack the other day and tried it out a bit, but haven't settled on one I like more than the original AC30 profile I got from MBritt. I do really like the dynamics of this new profile, you can really go from clean to dirty just by strumming light/hard. I think I may replace the AC30 I'm using eventually when I have time to pick through the profiles. I haven't been using the new delays too much yet, but I created one that uses morphing to go from the dual delay setup like a regular tape type delay, then morphs to have pitch shifting on the repeats when I morph. I figure I could use that for swells/tremolo picking sections when I want pitch shifted repeats.

  • I'm using Mbritt profiles almost exclusively. I've got the new AC30 profiles, used them on one song at church yesterday, but need much more time to go through them. Otherwise I'm mainly using the Matchless and Dr Z things from MBritt. I did use one of his 5E3 patches yesterday and rocked pretty good!

  • May have to reconsider MBritt ac30 with all the love it gets here. Mostly my rigs have all been Matchless based varied from clean to lead with the last as an ambient rig for swells or tremolo picking.. Anyone find any particular use for a specific new delay setting besides the one labeled church in presets yet ?

  • Hi,

    a year ago my church bought a Kemper :-)... so I just come with my guitar and my Foot-Controler and a USB-Stick, if i tuned something at my own Profiler at home.

    I did a few profiles of my Jackson Ampworks Newcastle 18 (Search for NC18 on RE) and used them a little bit. But I found better Profiles (AC30s, the AC20, some of Michael Wagener for heavier stuff)
    Most of the time i use my own Profiles from my former Boogie Mark IV. (also on RE).

    I use the app onsong on my iPad for leadsheets, which can send Midi commands with every Leadsheet. For every song it sets my Footcontroller to the Tempo, Amp and FX for the beginning of the song. The Footcontroller sets the Profiler..

    I built my own Footcontroller, because i wanted to have the flexibility to change amps (rigs) without changing the fx... and change the fx without switching amps. And it accepts the midi-commands from the iPad :)


  • Have you tried this yet on a live setup? Just wanted to see how many people are using profile overdrive and then using wet effects (Timeline/BigSky)?

    I've actually been thinking of putting my Timeline and BigSky in a rack drawer so I can have them in the FX Loop and not run a bunch of cables across the stage to make it happen. Then I would just control them via a MIDI controller (my Disaster Area DMC-8D)

  • Have you tried this yet on a live setup? Just wanted to see how many people are using profile overdrive and then using wet effects (Timeline/BigSky)?

    I used to use a Neunaber Wet reverb in the loop, but I simplified and now just use the Kemper all by itself. The neunaber wet worked great in the loop, but it is a lot easier to setup/take down and the built in Kemper effects sound good too. I use the built in drives and turn them on/off just like I would in a pedalboard. In the stomps section I have a compressor, clean boost, green scream, mouse ds, in the effects section I have s clean boost (for level) 2 delays (on in the mod slot one in delay slot) I switch between a straight forward 1/4 note delay or .8th delay as needed) and a reverb. For each slot, I have morph set to change the reverb time from short to long (some slots have the delays change repeats too), that way I can go from a more ambient sound if I need to for that particular song. I'm using Mbritts' AC30 profile and it sounds great!

  • I used to use a Neunaber Wet reverb in the loop, but I simplified and now just use the Kemper all by itself. The neunaber wet worked great in the loop, but it is a lot easier to setup/take down and the built in Kemper effects sound good too. I use the built in drives and turn them on/off just like I would in a pedalboard. In the stomps section I have a compressor, clean boost, green scream, mouse ds, in the effects section I have s clean boost (for level) 2 delays (on in the mod slot one in delay slot) I switch between a straight forward 1/4 note delay or .8th delay as needed) and a reverb. For each slot, I have morph set to change the reverb time from short to long (some slots have the delays change repeats too), that way I can go from a more ambient sound if I need to for that particular song. I'm using Mbritts' AC30 profile and it sounds great!

    I PM'd you about this, I've got some questions. I'm assuming your comp is always on? So the first clean boost is to drive the green scream or mouse harder? How do you typically do your gain staging with this setup? And the second clean boost in the effects section is for a solo boost? As far as how you are setting up the remote to control all of this since there are only 4 switches, how are you doing this? I'm asuming you are using 1 switch for both delays and just swapping between the two, so there is one. And then for the two drives, there's two right there, unless you are switching between them on one switch? And then the first clean boost gets its own switch? That could be 3 or 4 switches used right there depending on how you set it up, if the two drives are combined I guess that could give you room for that 2nd effects boost. Just curious how you do it. I'd like to try this setup out but I don't want to have to have a separate slot with the same exact setup to switch different things because I can't fit it all the remote switching in one slot. I hope that makes sense. I guess you could use the tuner and looper buttons to control your boosts as well.

    So when you say that some slots have the delay repeats change as well for a more ambient sound, what exactly are you doing here? Just increasing the number of repeats? Are you going for a wash here or something you can use for swells?

    Sorry for all the questions, I've been struggling how to setup a perfmormance to be able pretty much do anything with it I will need to do instead of setting up one performance or slot per song, I just can't do that for how we do worship which is very free flow, we have a setlist planned, but only rarely do we follow it, more often than not we are pulling songs on the fly as needed, which we can do since we are working from computer screens and PDFs, if the worship leader pulls up a new song or an old one we haven't done in a long time, we play it right then, live with no planning or practice, fun, but requires a lot of flexibility with sounds.

  • Just like to throw into the discussion that the Kemper Beat Scanner is worth its weight in gold IMHO (if such an analogy works for a software feature). I've never before been able to use dotted eighths with any of our drummers as they do not use click tracks and their time wanders a bit. But the Beat Scanner can follow them perfectly. Can't recommend this enough.

  • Just like to throw into the discussion that the Kemper Beat Scanner is worth its weight in gold IMHO (if such an analogy works for a software feature). I've never before been able to use dotted eighths with any of our drummers as they do not use click tracks and their time wanders a bit. But the Beat Scanner can follow them perfectly. Can't recommend this enough

    I believe that this is the proper thread to say AMEN to that!....an awesome and original feature.

  • I PM'd you about this, I've got some questions. I'm assuming your comp is always on? So the first clean boost is to drive the green scream or mouse harder? How do you typically do your gain staging with this setup? And the second clean boost in the effects section is for a solo boost? As far as how you are setting up the remote to control all of this since there are only 4 switches, how are you doing this? I'm asuming you are using 1 switch for both delays and just swapping between the two, so there is one. And then for the two drives, there's two right there, unless you are switching between them on one switch? And then the first clean boost gets its own switch? That could be 3 or 4 switches used right there depending on how you set it up, if the two drives are combined I guess that could give you room for that 2nd effects boost. Just curious how you do it. I'd like to try this setup out but I don't want to have to have a separate slot with the same exact setup to switch different things because I can't fit it all the remote switching in one slot. I hope that makes sense. I guess you could use the tuner and looper buttons to control your boosts as well.
    So when you say that some slots have the delay repeats change as well for a more ambient sound, what exactly are you doing here? Just increasing the number of repeats? Are you going for a wash here or something you can use for swells?

    Sorry for all the questions, I've been struggling how to setup a perfmormance to be able pretty much do anything with it I will need to do instead of setting up one performance or slot per song, I just can't do that for how we do worship which is very free flow, we have a setlist planned, but only rarely do we follow it, more often than not we are pulling songs on the fly as needed, which we can do since we are working from computer screens and PDFs, if the worship leader pulls up a new song or an old one we haven't done in a long time, we play it right then, live with no planning or practice, fun, but requires a lot of flexibility with sounds.

    After actually trying your setup out as described I was bummed to remember that controlling two delays from 1 remote button doesn't really work. This will only swap between the two, always leaving one on. So to control 2 overdrives, and 2 delays, that takes up every slot pretty quickly. The only other option is to use my looper and tuner buttons to control two other things. The kemer remote really is limiting for those of us that are trying to use 1 rig for most of what they want to do.

  • After actually trying your setup out as described I was bummed to remember that controlling two delays from 1 remote button doesn't really work. This will only swap between the two, always leaving one on. So to control 2 overdrives, and 2 delays, that takes up every slot pretty quickly. The only other option is to use my looper and tuner buttons to control two other things. The kemer remote really is limiting for those of us that are trying to use 1 rig for most of what they want to do.

    Don't forget that you can use morphing to control the mix of an effect, which means you can eliminate it by setting mix to 0.

    edit: You can also reassign the Looper button on the remote to an effect. I believe the same applies to the Tap and Tuner buttons, but you're more likely to need those as they are.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Don't forget that you can use morphing to control the mix of an effect, which means you can eliminate it by setting mix to 0.
    edit: You can also reassign the Looper button on the remote to an effect. I believe the same applies to the Tap and Tuner buttons, but you're more likely to need those as they are.

    I plan to use morphing to control reverb time. I am also using looper and tuner buttons. I like to have Tap available, so I won't be changing that one. Even with these extra two buttons, i still wish i could have at least two more without adding an extra switchs.