Worship Guitarist now a Kemper convert

  • All the sharing of experiences on here is great. Yesterday, while playing live, I used the MBritt Vox AC30 B1 profile, a guitar with p90s, an OCD pedal out front, a Strymon Timeline and Blue Sky in the X slot as a stereo loop, and bam...sounded incredible! It's the sound I was looking for, with all the benefits of plugging to the front of house. Thanks everyone for sharing the tips.

  • All the sharing of experiences on here is great. Yesterday, while playing live, I used the MBritt Vox AC30 B1 profile, a guitar with p90s, an OCD pedal out front, a Strymon Timeline and Blue Sky in the X slot as a stereo loop, and bam...sounded incredible! It's the sound I was looking for, with all the benefits of plugging to the front of house. Thanks everyone for sharing the tips.

    Awesome! I'm gonna need to try the AC30 B1 profile more. I think I breezed past it while trying the MBritt profiles (in retrospect, I probably should have bought the profiles a pack at a time and taken my time to learn each amp inside and out instead of buying all his profiles at once, lol!)

    James Duke once said in an online interview that you should learn the gear you have inside and out before making a decision and buying something else. The same logic applies to amps in the Kemper. I think I personally need to slow down and play each amp exclusively for a weekend service before writing any of them off.

  • ... (in retrospect, I probably should have bought the profiles a pack at a time and taken my time to learn each amp inside and out instead of buying all his profiles at once, lol!)

    James Duke once said in an online interview that you should learn the gear you have inside and out before making a decision and buying something else. The same logic applies to amps in the Kemper. I think I personally need to slow down and play each amp exclusively for a weekend service before writing any of them off.

    Paul, you've learned in this very-short space of time what some of us never fully embrace. Sure, we're aware of the phenomenon, but somehow GAS sees us hankering after the next sparkling-new professional profile pack, manifesting a situation where many of us would surely be sitting on veritable goldmines... eating porridge and complaining that we can't afford to heat our tents...

  • Welcome Paul! I've been thinking it would be great to create some sort of community for Kemper using worship guitarists, somewhere that we can all pull together ideas, experiences, tips, etc for using the Kemper in our context. Maybe just a "Master" thread on here? Or a Facebook community? Thoughts?

  • Paul, you've learned in this very-short space of time what some of us never fully embrace. Sure, we're aware of the phenomenon, but somehow GAS sees us hankering after the next sparkling-new professional profile pack, manifesting a situation where many of us would surely be sitting on veritable goldmines... eating porridge and complaining that we can't afford to heat our tents...

    Exactly. Nothing wrong with BUYING the new pack necessarily, but mentally thinking "I have SO many other ones I can try" is what's detrimental. It's the whole "paralysis by analysis" that accompanies having so many options. I like to pretend the "amp of the week" is the ONLY amp I own, just like it would be in real life.

  • Welcome Paul! I've been thinking it would be great to create some sort of community for Kemper using worship guitarists, somewhere that we can all pull together ideas, experiences, tips, etc for using the Kemper in our context. Maybe just a "Master" thread on here? Or a Facebook community? Thoughts?

    Yes. Definitely. I'm surprised there's no Kemper Facebook group, worship or not (that I've found anyway). But yes, I think that would be a great idea.

  • Interesting thread. I also see that this session/worship guitarist also switched to a Kemper, and he notes that he primarily uses MBritt profiles as well....looks like most are from profile pack 2:


    What I find interesting is that a number forum members above indicate that they are using external drive and effect pedals...maybe that's the missing link for me live...at least until the new delays/reverbs are released. I'm still trying to find that chewy edge of breakup delay tone that I can find by using a boutique amp, stacked overdrives, and Strymon delay/reverb. Has anyone been successful so far using only the Kemper's onboard drives/effects to achieve the Hillsong/Bethel tones live? I find the free MAB/Tonehawk Bloom 2 profile quite outstanding for ambient stuff, and they work amazing live...but the reverb is a bit over the top for most occasions other than when space and ambience are required.

    By the way, I use a PRS CE24 and a Duesenberg Starplayer, with a floor wedge for monitoring live, and studio monitors at home. The Kemper is sure an amazing tool, and I haven't played this much guitar at home in years!

    I'm not a worship guitarist so have no idea about those tones you want. But I will say that external drives and delays are superior to the onboard ones in my experience. The onboard drive emulations are ok but nothing beats a real RAT or Big Muff into a good profile. Nor do the Kemper delays (which are OK) touch the weight of the Strymon stuff. That could be the 'sparkle' you are missing.

  • I'm not a worship guitarist so have no idea about those tones you want. But I will say that external drives and delays are superior to the onboard ones in my experience. The onboard drive emulations are ok but nothing beats a real RAT or Big Muff into a good profile. Nor do the Kemper delays (which are OK) touch the weight of the Strymon stuff. That could be the 'sparkle' you are missing.

    This. A thousand times this. Amps sound INSANE in the Kemper. Effects, compared to boutique pedals, are garbage in the Kemper.

    Worship or not, that's the case in general.

  • At least the delays are going to be over-the-top gorgeous... as of v5 firmware, Paul.

    The 'verbs will improve in quality after that.

    As far as the pedal emus are concerned, I can't help but feel that the team is working on algorithms on an ongoing basis, and that there'll be some pleasant surprises in the future.

    Yes. Definitely. I'm surprised there's no Kemper Facebook group, worship or not (that I've found anyway). But yes, I think that would be a great idea.

    Well, there's the Gran Turismo Kemper Community club that I set up in GT6 (it's a car-driving / racing sim / game).

    So far I'm the only member, with another to join in the next few days. LOL

    The point of it is mainly that we'd be able to talk with headsets whilst taking a break from music work; the car-racing fun will just be a bonus distraction. There's a mini forum there and whatnot, but TBH, I don't even know how all that stuff works; I just felt compelled to set something up.

    You guys are welcome to join of course; you may be surprised at my hermeneutical skills. 8o

  • Well, there's always my assumption to fall back on, Freisegler. Optimistic perhaps, but based upon established patterns of the behaviour of the company:

    At least the delays are going to be over-the-top gorgeous... as of v5 firmware, Paul.

    The 'verbs will improve in quality after that.

    As far as the pedal emus are concerned, I can't help but feel that the team is working on algorithms on an ongoing basis, and that there'll be some pleasant surprises in the future.

  • Another worship guitarist here (have been playing worship music for almost 30 years now), and find the Kemper covers all the bases I need. I never really got into the huge pedalboards, but find that the Kemper and a FCB1010 will do most everything I need. One huge addition was morphing, that has turned out to be indispensable as it allows so many shades of effects and gain to be available. I don't really feel I need any external delays, the ones in the Kemper are fine. The only outboard effect I feel I need is a "shimmer" reverb for swells, which is easily added through the Kemper's effects loop.

    The guitar I have been greatly digging lately is a Line 6 JTV69S Variax; it allows Gretsch like tones without being a Gretsch. Although I think that Gretsches are the perfect electrics for worship as their tonal curve fits in so well with keys and voices, I don't really like their feel that much, and everybody seems to play a Gretsch in worship. The only issue is the Kemper points out the tonal shortcomings in a Variax. You plug a Variax into a Line 6 X3 or HD500 and it sounds really good, but the Kemper tends to make the Variax's warts stick out. But does the Kemper ever sound great with a great guitar....

    The profiles I use the most are of my homemade Robben Ford #102 Dumble clone, as well as my 100W Marshall Vintage Modern. I also have a Top Jimi EVH 5150 profile for the high gain (TSO) tones.

  • Most of the time I find that I can get away with a clean/crunch/lead with an additional patch with extra delay and verb...as long as I have tap tempo and s volume/wah pedal (and the volume on my guitar) I'm good to go. My favorite patches have been from MBritt...especially his marshalls....my go to guitar when leading has been my Taylor T5Z with an a/b switch and as far as guitars go my Tom Anderson mongrel and my Luke III