Move efx blocks pre/post stack in signal chain

  • Hi mates!

    IMHO, the fixed efx blocks positions (4 pre-stack & 4 post-stack) are restricting Kemper from have richer sounding in some applications.

    We know that some effects works better in stereo or post stack and others before stack. Although there are blocks available for what I need, I don't get the most of it because I'm not capable to put all effects in the correct position.

    I'm used to play Pink Floyd stuff. During 80's & 90's, Gilmour use a very processed sound (cascading distortions, eqs, chorus over chorus, flanger, univibe, rotating speakers, dlys, reverbs).

    Let's say that all the several distortions David uses in a row was profiled and now it's inside the stack module. (By the way, I've made that with excellent results).

    Here are some examples that I couldn't do now but could do if I was able to move some blocks to post-stack:

    gate -> comp -> stack -> eq -> air chorus -> vintage chorus -> dly -> reverb
    gate -> comp -> stack -> eq -> chorus -> rotary spkr -> dly -> reverb
    gate -> comp -> stack -> eq -> phaservibe -> panner -> dly -> reverb

    As post-stack blocks are stereo, maybe there is a processing power restriction for my request. If we could at least have 2 blocks free to move to post stack it would be great. I think will solve 99.99% of actual demands.

    Who else is with me?