Strange problems perhaps caused by Bad power supply?

  • Just had some strange problems at a live gig in a club that I never played in.
    It started with a strange kind of Vibrato with all Rigs, didn't matter with heaphone use or monitor or main outs,
    Never had any problems of this kind with my Kemper and it whas working perfectly when I tried it at home yesterday.
    I restored a backup, but that didn't solve the problem, so I drove home as quick as possible, and picked up my second Kemper 8)
    Also never had any problems with this unit, but when I started it up back at my gig, it blocked in Tuner mode, and I had to turn the power of to shut it down (didn't shut down in the regular way )
    After starting up again, it sounded al right, so I whas happy that far, but after 10 minutes suddenly my favorite performance whas gone!
    Back home I did a system reset ( thanks mightypudge :thumbup: ) and its working fine again now, but the question stayes, how is this possible,? Never had any of this problems before and both my
    Kempers , Could it be a power supply problem ? Mayby changes in Voltage or freq.?

    Edited 2 times, last by Dorrus (April 18, 2016 at 4:46 PM).