Kemper + GCP and needed a loop switcher

  • I'm using my Kemper with Voodoo GCP and looking to add a loop switcher to add a few pedals. I wanted to run it in the stereo loop in the Mod slot. I currently have a rack mount kemper and have a free spot in the rack.

    I'm looking at adding a Voodoo GCX or the Boss ES-8.

    Anyone comment on how to run cables to the GCX? I've heard some are mounting it underneath their pedal board? I didn't want it to be a cabling nightmare. My rack unit is about 10' away on stage and I can't put the pedals in the rack (I need them at my feet).

    Sweetwater was steering me in the ES-8 direction but I haven't heard anyone else using it.

    I eventually want to add a wireless setup too but not sure how that would run either with the cabling.

    Thanks for the comments. Pros Cons etc.

  • If they are the kind of pedals you would normally run between the guitar and the amp, you would want to use FX slot A, B, C, or D. But, if they are post effects, the X slot is ideal.

    You mentioned still needing your pedals at your feet - if you are going to manually switch them in and out, do you need to add an FX switcher?

    The GCX is designed to be controlled from the switches on the GCP. The ES-8 has its own switches, but is bigger. Either on of these on a pedalboard with a GCX and stompboxes will require a big and heavy pedalboard.

  • I'm not worried about size/weight as it'll fit in my car fine and no airline trips. I liked the GCX since I can run some boxes in front of the amp and my delay type effects in the fx loop in stereo. I added an Pigtronix Infinity Looper which I wanted at my feet as well as one other pedal at my feet.

    I just really want to cut down on cable distances to and from the rig or pedal (send/returns). I basically will have two pedal boards.

    One has the GCP and expression pedals.. The other will have the other stomp boxes and the loop switcher.

  • Cabling would be best done with some of those cut to fit cable systems, like George Ls. That way you'll keep excess wiring to a minimum.

    My suggestion would be a slight alternative to having a loop switcher AND a midi controller. Get something that does both.

    Best option if you can get one is a Musicomlab pedal switching system. That will allow you to control your pedals and your Kemper simultaneously. It's a bit pricey though.

    I have something similar to it, a Loopholic 5 pedal switching system. The biggest drawback of my device is that it doesn't have any stereo loops. But the Musicomlab has two.

  • chantsboy7, i'm trying to run a stereo delay in the fx loop of the kemper. I didn't want to run it as a mono loop in the mod section. I also wanted a loop of pedals in front of the amp which are all mono pedals.

    I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but I think I'm leaning toward doing a smaller 4 loop Voodoo labs pedal switcher for the pedals in front of the amp, then run the GCX racked for my stereo delay and other stereo fx in the kemper fx loop. That'll be the least amount of cabling.