FCB1010: uno4kemper or new eureka chip? Anyone with experience of both?

  • Hi Kempers,
    did anyone has experience with both chips (uno4kemper and new eureka chip) for the FCB1010? There is a little
    difference in pricing but are there other reasons to prefer one to each other (handling, programming, concept etc.)?
    Thanks in advance...

  • I looked at the website of Eureka.
    What I miss is the possibility to select/change the 5 slots (in Performance Mode) and the stomps (a, b, c, d, x) at the same time.
    I use this with my Uno4Kemper on stage and that's what I need live.
    Eureka does not offer this possibility.

  • Eureka prom gives you more control, supports looper and special pedal functions like pitch etc. Uno4kemper is simpler and works out of box and lets you adjust curve of expression pedal which are lacking on fcb1010 in the factory state.

  • Never used the Eureka, but am using an older Uno4Kemper and like it a lot. Wish I had a newer one though as AFAIK there is no way to get one of the pedals set for morphing.

    I have played a bit with the original Uno chip, I think it has some advantages over the Uno4Kemper. One is you can program either pedal for morphing, and it will do the majority of the Uno4Kemper functions as well. But the Uno does have the disadvantage of not displaying tuner or the actual state of a function on the Kemper; if you have switch bounce on your FCB1010, the Kemper might not pick up the switch transition and the FCB will think a function is in a different state. Also you have to do a bunch of programming with the Uno to get it to work like a Uno4Kemper.