Rigs change by themselves in "Performance Mode"

  • Hi All,

    At home I made a performance containing 4 Rigs (clean to distortion) that I will use for gigs.
    When i came to the venue the rig in slot on had changed .... No biggy, I just loaded the Rig i wanted and startet playing.

    The same happened yesterday - only this time it was the Rig in slot 3 ....... What haven't i done ? When I am finished building my performance i press "Store" ... Isn't that correct ?

    I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my drink  ;)

  • To save a Performance you have to press the "Store"-Button 3 times.
    -At first an extra menu pops up
    -Then you can change the Destination of the Performance. Then press Store again.
    -Now you can change the name of the Performance
    And only if you press store again for the third time your Performance is stored.

    Remember if you change any Settings in any Slot in a Performances all these changes get lost if you don't Store them and switch to another Performance.
    The same happens if you restart the unit without storing

    Edit: Corrected some of my bad english

  • To save a Performance you have to press the "Store"-Button 3 times.
    -At first an extra menu pops up
    -Then you can change the Destination of the Performance. Then press Store again.
    -Now you can change the name of the Performance
    And only if you press store again for the third time your Performance is stored.

    Remember if you change any Settings in any Slot in a Performances all these changes get lost if you don't Store them and switch to another Performance.
    The same happens if you restart the unit without storing

    Edit: Corrected some of my bad english

    Yeah - I have also pressed it three times - sorry I didn't explain well enough in my first post !

    I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my drink  ;)

  • same here. I think we have to wait for the new fw release to fix this bug. It must be related somehow to the SYSTEM ERROR that some of us have experienced after having installed the latest fw and that can be sorted initializing all the rigs by pressing and holding the rig button while switching on the machine and letting the system check all the rigs (solution proposed by the support team).

    Edited once, last by Brunos73 (March 13, 2016 at 12:41 AM).

  • Hi Guys,

    Just to confirm, this just happened to me today, luckily I was at home practising, not at a gig! Firmware 3.3.0 Release (Build 11973).

    Re-initialising by holding the rig button during start up hasn't made any difference. In fact what has happened is the slot names have been mixed up, the settings are there but the names have been re arranged. Very odd.

    Kind regards.

    Edited once, last by Elbertoohms (April 3, 2016 at 9:14 PM).

  • To add to the confusion, I noticed today that not only has my profiler moved the slot names about, it had completely lost / deleted one of my performances.

    I won't be relaying this to support as I don't really have time right now to pursue it. Luckily I make frequent backups to the rig manager and I managed to re-load the missing performance.

    Hope this screwy behaviour can be fixed in a forthcoming update. I guess I am using a beta firmware right now so perhaps I can't really comment.

    Backup your profiler people!

    Kind regards to all.