Remote switch to act as performance store

  • I quite often set up my KPA to performance mode, setting each song with its individual rigs. Doing this in the studio is quick and easy but sometimes setting the rig volumes is nothing like how it's going to work live. So could there be a way when using a volume pedal controlling rig volume ( via KPA ...not using an inline one ) that you could then store that volume on the fly via a held button on the remote. Therefore if I have to adjust the rig volume via the pedal live I can store that volume position in the performance. Obvioulsy I can do that manually but I want to carry on playing as I will set it during the performance.

    Hope you get what I mean :)


  • It might cause problems saving stuff whilst in performance mode, as that is its purpose.
    attemtpting to store data and load a new performance rig at the same time might be a recipe for a disaster. Then again, Kemper may have already put protection in place for this but personally I prefer to do my saving from the unit when I'm sure and have a few seconds to do so rather than do so (accidentally) on the fly. Or I can at least wait until the end of a song before making edits and adjustments.
    i understand everyone's needs are different and see how your request could be of use.
    stability is my main concern. Part of the save process relies on user confirmation- save, rename, location, etc so what your suggesting would bypass this process and make it very convenient at the risk of an unintentional save.