Splawn Quick Rod Profiles - Here and on RE

  • Ok, so here are the Splawn Quick Rod profiles. Some clean, crunch and mid to high gain. They are on the Rig Exchange as well. 20+ profiles. A handful of DI. I will get the rest of the DI's made soon.

    We used a Vintech 473 on the SM57 and Burl B1 on a Royer 121 through a Trident 80B console.

    Hope you find some of them useful. There is a pdf showing amp settings in this folder:


  • Still looking at them. There are a number of them I like - punchy stuff! Will experiment more. I've tried them with my PRS - I see you also play one of those, judging by the pickup tag in the profiles.

    For now, they seem to fill a hole in my collection (which I'm sure I could also fill with some of the other stuff I have lying around in a big pile on my harddrive - but it's not the same, somehow :-)).

    Good job, my man!

  • Still looking at them. There are a number of them I like - punchy stuff! Will experiment more. I've tried them with my PRS - I see you also play one of those, judging by the pickup tag in the profiles.

    For now, they seem to fill a hole in my collection (which I'm sure I could also fill with some of the other stuff I have lying around in a big pile on my harddrive - but it's not the same, somehow :-)).

    Good job, my man!

    Awesome! Glad you are finding some you like. Yes, I used a PRS SC245 for the OD profiles and a G&L Asat Classic for the cleans. If you look at the PDF in the download link I provided, you can see what all knobs were set at for each profile.

  • Jeremy, only got a quick chance to try these only through headphones last night after spending a few hours creating my new effects and stomp patches to go with my live rigs. So far for my personal taste in hot rodded Marshall tones these are some of the very best I've ever heard.

    Currently for my dirty live profiles I use a free from the Rig Exchange Okstrat/Pete Turley Fortin Modded JVM coupled with a Marshall Greenback 75 Hz cab from Top Jimi's Paul Gilbert Modded JMP pack as it gave it a bit more weight and smoothed out the highs a bit than the Mesa cab it came with.

    I just coupled that Fortin JVM with one of your 2X12 cabs and it just made me think I've wasted 5 hours tweaking those tones, it sounds that good/better together. Sounds very, very similar to around half of the profiles you have made here. I usually play hot-rodded JMP type profiles with the Kemper gain around 4.5 to 6.

    These are right up my street, can't wait to try these out later on today properly, anyone who is a fan of tones like Ratt/Dokken/Extreme or most other 80's hard rock will definitely enjoy these.

    Lovely Marshall type high mid range, nice treble without being fizzy, warm not too tight lows. Perfect gain range for me personally too. Will try tonight through my Marshall 1960 and my Friedman ASM-12, sure they will still be great after hearing only through headphones.

    Cost you $7 a profile............I'd say you got your money's worth to be fair

    Edited 2 times, last by LiamThompson (March 5, 2016 at 12:31 AM).

  • Gave these all a try now though my full setup and my 2 favourites I narrowed it down to were OD5 and OD14 and finally settled went settled on OD14.

    Just adjusted the gain to 6.0, clarity to 1.6 and definition to 8.0 to fit my EVH Wolfgang for live use and I'd say its my favourite distorted hard rock profile I've heard. I've replaced all my live rigs with this profile, although I'm a self confessed tone chaser and everytime I think I've found the holy grail I hear something else a month later! Think this one will be sticking around for much, much longer.

  • Right on guys! I am so pleased you like them, not even kidding.

    Promise I will get the rest of the DI's done soon.

    I just ordered 2 new mic's and been picking the brains of a few folks. I am probably going to pull a Tim Owens and just start profiling the hell out of my amp myself.

    I am really looking at trying to get better at profiling, but not interested in doing it commercially.

    I like to to take on this kind of stuff to push myself to learn my gear.

  • I think these are some of the best profiles I have heard in a long time.All of them are very usefull,my favorites are OD14 & OD15.Well done dear @Jeremy.I will "keep an eye" on your next profiles.

    The Splawn amps have indeed obviously (never played them) very special "harmonic overtones", which scream (harmonically) in the hi-mid-frequencies in your ears and are perfect for agressive pinch harmonics while the lower frequencies are very 3D and vivid.Like old Plexis "on meth" (sorry,I know I dont have good manners :D ..)Dont remember in which thread we talked about the KPA and "ethics" but once again the Kemper makes me urgently want to buy another real amp.

  • Jeremy, your profiles kills it all.
    This is amazing. I just played them for an hour. OD14 and 15 are my very favorites ones.

    The KPA has made a great step forward with your profiles. You may need to teach how to profile amps to the community as your sounds are very close to sonic perfection.


    I just coupled that Fortin JVM with one of your 2X12 cabs and it just made me think I've wasted 5 hours tweaking those tones, it sounds that good/better together. Sounds very, very similar to around half of the profiles you have made here. I usually play hot-rodded JMP type profiles with the Kemper gain around 4.5 to 6.

    @LiamThompson, could you please let me know how do you "extract" the 2x12? I would like to make a preset out of it.

    Cheers all

  • I think these are some of the best profiles I have heard in a long time.All of them are very usefull,my favorites are OD14 & OD15.Well done dear @Jeremy.I will "keep an eye" on your next profiles.

    The Splawn amps have indeed obviously (never played them) very special "harmonic overtones", which scream (harmonically) in the hi-mid-frequencies in your ears and are perfect for agressive pinch harmonics while the lower frequencies are very 3D and vivid.Like old Plexis "on meth" (sorry,I know I dont have good manners :D ..)Dont remember in which thread we talked about the KPA and "ethics" but once again the Kemper makes me urgently want to buy another real amp.

    Jeremy, your profiles kills it all.
    This is amazing. I just played them for an hour. OD14 and 15 are my very favorites ones.

    The KPA has made a great step forward with your profiles. You may need to teach how to profile amps to the community as your sounds are very close to sonic perfection.

    @LiamThompson, could you please let me know how do you "extract" the 2x12? I would like to make a preset out of it.

    Cheers all

    Thabks you guys! Like I may have mentioned, I got ear fatigue when doing these and I almost trashed them! LOL!

    You are definitely encouraging me to keep at it with the profiling