Kemper on SPDIF spike

  • Hello KPA development team,
    is it possible to fix the spike when booting the KPA connected via SPDIF? Since it is digital I guess this can be fixed... :thumbup:

    Anyone else noticed this?

    You have Kemper connected to sound interface, Interface to monitors (headphones) and when sound interface is on and speakers (headphones) are on you hear spike, when you boot Kemper?

  • Hello KPA development team,
    is it possible to fix the audio spike when booting the KPA connected via SPDIF? Since it is digital I guess this can be fixed... :thumbup:

    Anyone else noticed this?

    I always have SPDIF hooked up to my Kemper, but I never noticed a spike in the volume. The volume does come on after a while though, is that the spike you're talking about? It remains at a constant level thereafter, IIRC, but I can take a look at my digital mixer to confirm later tonight.

  • I always have SPDIF hooked up to my Kemper, but I never noticed a spike in the volume. The volume does come on after a while though, is that the spike you're talking about? It remains at a constant level thereafter, IIRC, but I can take a look at my digital mixer to confirm later tonight.

    No spike here also.

  • Hi, I also get the spike when I turn my Kemper on.
    In the last days I also experienced a fault in the right headphone channel of my RME Firface UFX which is connected to the Kemper via AES, so I even fear now that the spike can be dangerous for my UFX interface