Ability to route Return input to Direct Output

  • I'm not sure if this would be a possible, but I would like to be able to send a Guitar DI from my DAW (Pro tools) to the Kemper Return input (like I would for re-amping) and be able to route this signal to the Kemper's Direct output.

    I would like this ability so I'd be able to send a Guitar DI through the Kemper to the Real Amp in the room, in essence simulating me playing the guitar, but leaving me free to tweak the Real Amp and find and note down all the sweet-spots for profiling later.

    To clarify, I wouldn't want this feature for profiling, but just to find all the settings to profile afterwards.

    I have 5 guitars I use, and when I profile I like to profile an amp for each guitar respectively. By using DI's, I would be able to save on lugging all my guitars to a profiling session and having to change strings for every session as I would have DI's saved of each guitar played with new strings. To test each profile I would only need 1 guitar to check between the Profile and the Reference amp.

    Hope this makes sense, I did post a question about this in the Questions and Answers forum as I wasn't sure if this was possible in a more up to date firmware, I'm still on 3.1. The only workaround I have found is to send the DI through a Re-amping box into the Front Input of the Kemper, I was hoping for a simpler solution.

    Thanks for reading guys.

    [Blocked Image: http://i1056.photobucket.com/albums/t378/kizzertron/kemper%20request_zpsm4jshvez.jpg]

  • I would like this ability so I'd be able to send a Guitar DI through the Kemper to the Real Amp in the room, in essence simulating me playing the guitar, but leaving me free to tweak the Real Amp and find and note down all the sweet-spots for profiling later.

    Why do you need to pass though the Profiler for this? You can just feed the amp with a line from your computer.
    Am I missing something?

  • Why do you need to pass though the Profiler for this? You can just feed the amp with a line from your computer.
    Am I missing something?

    To my ears a guitar plugged direct into a real amplifier sounds different to a guitar plugged through the kemper to the real amplifier. This isn't a slight on the Kemper, I find all obstructions between a guitar and amp such as pedals, buffers or true bypass loopers slightly effect the sound degrading it slightly.

    Its similar in theory to how the reamp sens works, in that if you pass your guitar di in at a lower volume the profiler will sound cleaner, if you run it in hotter it will have more drive.

    It is just my opinion (not saying i'm correct ;) )

  • I see :)
    The different signal levels and impedances can certainly determine a different sonic response. Provided there's a difference, you should determine which one is the "correct" one tho. How did you determine the signal passing through the Profiler gives you the "right" tone?

    Apart from this, I seem to see a problem in the procedure (feel free to correct me in case I'm missing something): a line-level signal outputted by a low-impedance output (the audio card\computer) is as well deeply different by what a guitar outputs.
    It seems to me then that you are "mismatching" the signal chain twice and to no extent, since during the profiling process the Profiler and the amp will not exchange signals like the ones a guitar can output. Might this be the case?

    On the contrary, the audio card probably supplies a signal that's much closer to the signals coming from the Profiler during the profilation process than a guitar's.

  • The different signal levels and impedances can certainly determine a different sonic response. Provided there's a difference, you should determine which one is the "correct" one tho. How did you determine the signal passing through the Profiler gives you the "right" tone?

    For me plugging through the Kemper when getting my tone means that when the profile is made it will be identical.

    It seems to me then that you are "mismatching" the signal chain twice and to no extent, since during the profiling process the Profiler and the amp will not exchange signals like the ones a guitar can output. Might this be the case?

    Your correct about the mismatch, but this is the same procedure for analog reamping with the Kemper. A line level signal is sent to the Kemper return and the Reamp Sens is used to make the level identical in level to what it would expect from the guitar.

  • I had an idea that I added in response to this in the Question and answers forum, so I thought I would quote it here as I think it could be a usable idea for a few of you guys.