Profiler losing high end when switching rigs

  • I noticed an issue yesterday I believe happened after I switched from performance mode to tune. When I switched back my profile had lost a ton of it's high end. I tried switching performances, switching to browse mode, I tried restarting, I tried a different guitar, different cable. After a while the high end returned, but then went away again a little later. I tried full reset, and it was good for the evening. When I came back the next day in the middle of tracking the high end went away again. I switched back to turner, and back to performance mode and it came back. I decided to not switch modes anymore and just tuned using the LEDs. We got through the night, but it's got me stressed about my Kemper. Has anyone else had an issue like this? I did notice I was had a beta 3.14 firmware version, and I upgraded to the latest firmware after resetting. But the issue arose again the next day.