Use your profiler to silence noisy amps/preamps

  • Sort of a tip here. I have a Tech 21 Flyrig which has some good amp sounds but it has this awful high noise floor. Like a white noise hiss. All I need to do is profile it and the hiss is gone. The Kemper just takes the sound. I imagine this works well with noisy hissy old amps. It kind of cleans up the sound!

  • I bet it does. I've never profiled anything. But I do know that their noise gate thing is fairly unique and simply works without worrying about the threshold and cutting off sustained notes. The only time I might also dial in a noise gate in a stomp block is really high gain, and I'm ridiculously picky in regards to noise. I've forgotten what noise is even with single coils.

    I have to ask though, why profile a FlyRig other than for fun? I owned one and thought it sounded pretty good, not great and was a useful backup to have. However, if you have to profile it to get rid of noise, then you are using the Kemper, and have to lug that with you anyway. And if you're have a Kemper at hand, why bother using a profile of a solid state analogue model a good tube amp when you can get an accurate profile of any actual tube amp on the planet for free? Thus the flyrig's only value is to be used by itself either as a backup if something goes wrong, or for its intended purpose as a extremely portable rig when flying on a plane.

    Problem is airlines make you check guitars. Plus the Kemper head and a remote and cables and stuff will fit in a carry-on case, though you could stuff the flyrig in with the carry on as well and have your backup rig. But again, what would be the point of leaving a compact Kemper at home and taking only the Flyrig, unless you really need all your carryon space for something beyond Kemper gear? I think you could easily fit a Kemper and Remote and a few outfits and gear in a carry on and that's without a book bag they let you keep under your seat.

  • Profile your FlyRig and you'll not need it brilliant... ;)

    FR5 and RK5 are noisy as all FK....

    Are you being sarcastic I can't tell.

    The flyrig is very noisy and I am not replacing it with the kemper I am illustrating how you can take a noisy preamp and profile it and have a much quieter profile without the inherent poor noise floor in the original.

  • I bet it does. I've never profiled anything. But I do know that their noise gate thing is fairly unique and simply works without worrying about the threshold and cutting off sustained notes. The only time I might also dial in a noise gate in a stomp block is really high gain, and I'm ridiculously picky in regards to noise. I've forgotten what noise is even with single coils.

    I have to ask though, why profile a FlyRig other than for fun? I owned one and thought it sounded pretty good, not great and was a useful backup to have. However, if you have to profile it to get rid of noise, then you are using the Kemper, and have to lug that with you anyway. And if you're have a Kemper at hand, why bother using a profile of a solid state analogue model a good tube amp when you can get an accurate profile of any actual tube amp on the planet for free? Thus the flyrig's only value is to be used by itself either as a backup if something goes wrong, or for its intended purpose as a extremely portable rig when flying on a plane.

    Problem is airlines make you check guitars. Plus the Kemper head and a remote and cables and stuff will fit in a carry-on case, though you could stuff the flyrig in with the carry on as well and have your backup rig. But again, what would be the point of leaving a compact Kemper at home and taking only the Flyrig, unless you really need all your carryon space for something beyond Kemper gear? I think you could easily fit a Kemper and Remote and a few outfits and gear in a carry on and that's without a book bag they let you keep under your seat.

    I don't think the kemper noise gate is the key here, the profile of the pedal is of the preamp characteristics but it seems to strip out white noise and hiss of the original.

    Why would I profile the flyrig? I said so in the original post, there are some good sounds on it, and profiling kills the hiss for recording.

    The travel thing you mention, not sure the point you are making to be honest, I never said I was doing this so I could take the kemper around with me instead. I would use the flyrig live for a compact rig but my main concern is quiet recording.

  • Sorry. that came across as obnoxious, which wasn't my intent. My point was, the FlyRig's greatest attribute is that it's so portable and a useful backup, and sounds pretty good for that use. I just didn't understand why someone would bother with it for recording, that owns a Kemper Profiler, which has every tube amp in the world perfectly profiled free on rig exchange. But to each is own, as you probably know this and are using the Flyrig because it is inspiring you to lay down good tracks that you like. So more power to you. I've become a bit of a tone snob since ponying up the 2G needed for a kemper.