Kemper Live Performance with Powered Monitor

  • Hey, everyone.

    I already own an unpowered KPA that I use in my home studio. I absolutely love the tone and flexibility of the KPA in the home studio environment. I am planning the purchase of a second unpowered KPA this summer to use at church. I am currently using a tube amp, which I will be pulling out and bringing back home. I will be relying solely on the KPA. That means I need to have a way of monitoring myself. I considered buying the powered KPA and a passive monitor, but that's more expensive than buying an unpowered KPA and a powered floor monitor. So, I am also planning to buy a JBL EON 612 powered speaker to use as my monitor. I will feed it from the 16-channel board we're using on-stage with us using an Aux channel. We're a group of four - two guitarists, one bass player and all four on vocals.

    Is anyone else doing something similar using a powered floor monitor? How do you like or dislike the results? Any suggestions or ideas I haven't thought of? I am also debating the purchase of the KPA Remote.

  • Is anyone else doing something similar using a powered floor monitor? How do you like or dislike the results? Any suggestions or ideas I haven't thought of? I am also debating the purchase of the KPA Remote.

    I use a active full range floor monitor .
    I have a cheap one (Behringer B210D) but I plan to try a better one (Laney IRT-X or even Yamaha DXR 10).
    Not because I need it seems good enough for me. But I want to try if it would be much better than just good enough. Many here have confirmed that DXR10 ore DXR12 are excellent.
    I have a Remote and can not imagine to play live without a Remote. There exists cheaper solutions, but the KemperRemote fits to the KPA at the best.

    Have so much fun with the Kemper as I have - Harry

  • I second the DXR-10 suggestion, sounds great.

    A good idea is to run the main outputs from the KPA to the PA and the monitor out to your personal monitor. Then unlink the volume knob from the main output so it only controls the KPA volume in the monitor.
    Then You can have a monitor feed of the rest of the band from the mixer the usual way. Now you can adjust the monitoring of your KPA yourself from the frontpanel without having to rely on the setting on the mixer. And it will only affect your personal monitor.

    Edited once, last by Janne (January 18, 2016 at 7:34 AM).

  • I have thought about and sort of dismissed the idea of going with IEMs. I was going to go that route so I could hear the pianist, but the way our sound is configured, I don't see it happening. We are using my Presonus 16.4.2 mixer on stage in a rack, which feeds the FOH PA system. There aren't enough cable runs up to the FOH on our part of the stage. Even if there were, the sound guys at our church are volunteers - I prefer to mix our own sound, since there isn't much consistency from one week to the next. The other thing is, the guys and gal I'm playing with need to be able to hear me and I prefer to hear myself out of a cab or monitor, rather than the mains.

    I am planning to run the main outputs from the KPA into the mixer. I will definitely take a look at the Yamaha DXR series.

  • One of the main reasons I love the Kemper to be honest. I get pretty much all my guitar out of my monitor so it still feels like the standard guitar, bass drums soundscape for people, plus I have some thump behind me. The great thing about running it through the PA first though is getting a bit of vocal and keys through as well.

    I've tried IEM'e but never been a fan. Still like to have that punch behind me.