Eventide H9 Max - trial

  • I was looking for Spring Reverb and better Reverbs in General so I picked up the H9 Max to test.

    The Room was killer good. The Chorus very lush. But nothing else in the unit was better than the Kemper.

    I also realized I don't want Spring Reverb as much as I thought I did. I want ROOM Reverb. And I can get that from my Ocean Studio UAD plugin. So I'm set.

    This unit seems to be for people who really love digging deep and tweaking, but you can't use multiple effects so it's pretty limited. I didn't find it worth the price for MY needs.

    What it DID do was give me a much better appreciation for the Kempers effects. They are VERY good, not just "good enough". Missing really is maybe a great Room and lusher Chorus compared to the H9.

    The H9 isn't an Eclipse or FXII or for that matter, my old Digitech ISP 33B's Delay/Reverb. That unit still kicks ass 30 years later!

    I was also disappointed that the presets I was trying out from exchanges were just, well, weird. Nothing very usable. And I couldn't find anything like "RUSH", you know what I mean?

    In Summary, it's for people trying to make new sounds, not really for people trying to cop old sounds as much, unless it's just one pedal on a whole pedal board. But even there, there are many better pedals I've had in all departments. Even the Chorus.
    The only thing it excelled at was "ROOM" IMO.

  • Yeah, I like the Kemper's effects, but I'm not a big user of effects either. Over time I expect new features to fill it out as well. It's so nice not having to lug a pedal board around.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Hi mate, you save my money!
    I am also looking for "better" reverbs and tryed some "old" Alesis stuff. Finaly i disconnect everything and i use the nice kpa effects. You are absolutely right . Maybe the future will bring us some new options but my decision is
    "keeping my money for some beers" .



  • I'm not saying the H9 is bad. Just it isn't as good as their other upscale gear except the Room.

    And that I've been spoiled by Kempers FX.

    Id grab an AX8 before grabbing an H9. The H9 is an all in one that can only do one at a time so you would need to pair 2 or 3 to get most famous effects.

  • My experience has been different, though I have three Factor pedals that I have been using with my traditional amps for a long time, so I am extremely familiar with the features and capabilities that are in the Eventide products. For me, the delays in the KPA can't touch those in the Eventides.

  • The mix knob is your friend on the H9 ;-). You will need to turn it down on ALL of the presets to get usable sounds. Btw, many of the algos are 2 or 3 effects combined. Try the pitch shifters, nothing in the biz can come close to them IMO.


  • Well - he said that he was primarily after Reverb / Room - not delay.
    I can confirm that the Ocean Studio is a fantastic plug-in - but that applies to recording.

    @db9091 TY for your opinion. I have been weighing the cons and pros of the H9 for a while.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Ok, I'll give it another whirl.

    After reading about the delays I started recording so I could hear the differences without playing. The Hall algorithm is quality wise as good as the Kemper.
    Delays, the H9 can approach tape and analog with much more realism than the Kemper. Hands down, I agree.

    I'll give this more time then with the mix knobs and playing around. I got 30 days.

  • I love my H9. Lush reverbs and "Leslie"-type effects, great "analog" sounding delays, great "combo" patches (including one I love, which is a reverb/trem with the adjustable trem/decay in the reverb). Delay effects with nice ambient washes, if you're into that sort of thing. Sounds great through the mono loop of the Kemper (I use the H9's mix control). And for what it's worth, the "spring" reverb is very nice to have.

  • I've used my H9 with my KPA for a while now, and it's definitely, a great addition to the effects in the KPA. I can now get many sounds that I could not get with just the KPA alone. Love the effects in the KPA as well, but with the H9 added, I can create pretty much any sound.

    As mentioned above, many of the H9 algorithms contain multiple effects at the same time. Tons of good examples on You Tube.

  • I'm glad I got the thread up then.

    I was toying with it today, recording side by side comparisons with the Kemper and the H9's tape and analog delays did stand out. I like different things about it vs the Kemper. The Kemper decays better when I want that. The H9 rings like a totally true delay and much stronger, when I want that. They are entirely different beasts for Digital, not better, just different.

    I'll have it locked in the "X" slot on Stereo. What's the advantage of Mono vs Stereo in this sense? Mono makes sense going to a cabinet, but Stereo makes sense for recording, no? So I can place the guitar in some good space.