Toaster => a new Editor

  • Zitat von Allenhuish: „Thanks for coming back to me.

    On my system there is no menu 'Settings>Configure Toaster' all it says is 'Settings>Show statusbar' and nothing else.“

    Can reproduce it (occurs on mac only) and will fix it.
    As workaround: delete…

    I can't find this file! Is it hidden?

  • For an easier suggestion do the following on os x

    In the finder, go to the menu 'Go > Go To Folder...'
    Then in the next dialog box type in '~/.config' <--- (without the quotation marks)
    You can then browse to the correct folder in the window that pops up

  • Hi! I just heard about this today. It seems to be a very promising project that I applaud.

    It opens on my Mac with 10.11.1 and asked me to select midi ports.

    So far, not quite ready for prime time, but getting there

    Bugs for me:
    Request values did not work for me, which really is a bummer.
    The exit knob does nothing on the hardware, the display is not following the various paths you take to stomp effects etc.
    Turning the small knob to the left, the leftmost, above the tuner display crashes the app if you are in tuner mode, which it is on startup.
    The Volume knob is a bit weirdly reflected on the hardware. It is almost like the knob in the software is an offset to the current state of the hardware some times, but after wiggling it about a bit it behaves as expected, but sometimes all the action is at the far right end of the range. From 1 o clock to 5 o clock, so to speak

  • Hi! I just heard about this today. It seems to be a very promising project that I applaud.

    It opens on my Mac with 10.11.1 and asked me to select midi ports.

    So far, not quite ready for prime time, but getting there

    Bugs for me:
    Request values did not work for me, which really is a bummer.
    The exit knob does nothing on the hardware, the display is not following the various paths you take to stomp effects etc.
    Turning the small knob to the left, the leftmost, above the tuner display crashes the app if you are in tuner mode, which it is on startup.
    The Volume knob is a bit weirdly reflected on the hardware. It is almost like the knob in the software is an offset to the current state of the hardware some times, but after wiggling it about a bit it behaves as expected, but sometimes all the action is at the far right end of the range. From 1 o clock to 5 o clock, so to speak

    First, if MIDI is rightly connected (KPA-out => MAC-in, KPA-in => Mac-out ) and the ports rightly configured, there is no need to request the values over the menu item (I guess, it's that what you're talking about).
    The editor requests all required values at startup and by changing into the edit mode (long click on stomp/amp/cab/fx button)
    The exit knob is not supposed to do anything in the hardware, it is there to leave the edit mode.

    Ok, crash is always bad, thanks for reporting I'll fix it.

    Regarding the value knob. If you are talking about the LED-ring, so yes there is an issue (LED-ring behaves linear, but the values are logarithmic).
    It will be fixed till main (non ALPHA/BETA) release.

  • Thanks for your reply. Following a restart, the app did fetch all the info from the Toaster. The first times I ran it (repeatedly before the restart) it started up on the tuner page and would not get the values. Happiness! :D

    But switching to the tuner page crashed it and the app can not be restarted without it crashing. Will try restart of the computer... I did and now it crashes every time on launch.

    Yes. Lin vs Log is exactly what I was experiencing. Thanks.

    Edited once, last by WorldStudios (January 29, 2016 at 2:23 PM).

  • I tried several restarts and I tried deleting the plist, but it crashes reliably every time on launch now. The hardware flashes "toaster connected".

    EDIT - Ok, a restart of the hardware fixed it. It now seems to work as it should! Great!

    Can you edit the patch name? And save? That would be awesome.

    Selecting Tuner crashes the app reliably and then you need to restart the Kemper. That is a bug. Better to leave the option to select tuner out..

    Edited 3 times, last by WorldStudios (January 29, 2016 at 5:35 PM).

  • Nice work! :thumbup:

    Some effects parameters seems to be missing, though:

    • Delay - Feedback and Mix.
    • Reverb - Time and Mix.

    A couple of suggestions:

  • I would like to second Fredrik's suggestions. I think both of them are good points. I clicked the data panel blobs many times when testing this app.. You just assume it will work that way. :D

    I had a hard time understanding the color/brighness scheme with the effects slots. Bright is on, grey is off and no color is "currently being edited". Either you come up with a different color for "currently being edited" or it should be the other way around at least, so that no color, same as the background means inactive/not assigned/empty - because that is the way it reads to me.

    Did you make a note of my crash/bug report regarding switching to Tuner?

    Best, Johan

  • I had a hard time understanding the color/brighness scheme with the effects slots. Bright is on, grey is off and no color is "currently being edited". Either you come up with a different color for "currently being edited" or it should be the other way around at least, so that no color, same as the background means inactive/not assigned/empty - because that is the way it reads to me.

    The basic idea is to be close to KPA, so I'll mark the edited stomp/fx/amp with an arrow facing down.
    "No color is "currently being edited"" seems to be a bug, the color shouldn't change.

    Did you make a note of my crash/bug report regarding switching to Tuner?

    The problem is, that it seems to be a Mac only issue. I've got a crash report from @Michael_dk, but unfortunately it doesn't give me a clue, what's
    wrong. I made an debug-build, you can find on github (_D postfix). So could you please try it and then add the crash report to the issue list@github? Thanks.

  • The basic idea is to be close to KPA, so I'll mark the edited stomp/fx/amp with an arrow facing down.
    "No color is "currently being edited"" seems to be a bug, the color shouldn't change.

    The problem is, that it seems to be a Mac only issue. I've got a crash report from @Michael_dk, but unfortunately it doesn't give me a clue, what's
    wrong. I made an debug-build, you can find on github (_D postfix). So could you please try it and then add the crash report to the issue list@github? Thanks.

    Same here when I switch to Tuner on Mac it crashes...
    But great work :) This project really looks very promising. Very nice graphics!!! Browser Mode works on the mac.