Netpad and Notebook Apps For Solo/Duo Acts

  • For those of you doing solo/duo gigs, especially those in the more "intimate" venues, what are you using to manage set lists, chord/lyric charts, etc? I'm thinking that something along this order would help me get/stay organized as I work to put together such an act. I see many folks using iPhones and such for their cheat sheets. I don't have any such item yet, just a desktop computer, so am open to all suggestions. I have mixed feelings about this, as I've always just memorized everything for when I play. However, it's becoming clear that at age 64 and trying to build an inventory of tunes, some of which will only be played occasionally, that I need some help. :/

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • what are you using to manage set lists, chord/lyric charts, etc?

    Well, with 65 I try to help you, my young friend. ;)

    Of course also I have the problem that it becomes more difficult to keep all in my brain :(
    To write down every thing helps to have more safety for performance.
    But there's also a disadvantage. Brain becomes lazy and the feeling for the music is not the same as it is without paper.
    I try to learn playing without records, if practising at home. After a certain time it is possible. (Exept lyrics - this is my problem since my youth)
    At a perfomance I feel safer, when I can have a look before starting a song. (and to know I could look if I need)
    If playing regularly with a band after a certain time you get enough routine to performe without the paper. (If I have not to sing :whistling: )

    I think it is important to have exact records. It avoids lot of discussion in a rehearsal. :rolleyes:
    Specially if you working with a new tune or did not play a song for longer while.

    I use a tablet (Win 10-surface 3 with 13" screen). Before I bought it, papers were collected in a file.
    Still I have a print out with me, if the computer fails.
    The Setlist is always at the desktop screen like a notice sheet.
    I use the normal PDF reader which is part of Win 10. The screen is not filled with menus and so on.
    For each song I prepare a sheet with lyrics and chords written above the word. If chord changes are complex I draw bar lines in the chord line.
    For solos I use tablatures, made with Finale (score writing programm) by my self or with Guitar-Pro. I know the notes, but I am not so familiar to play direct from the sheet.
    If I had to play some riffs oder solos in a song I sing, I insert windows with tablatures.

    In the Big band I have to play according paper notes. These are normally in rythmic notation with chord symbols above.
    If solo parts are inside I have to transfer to tablatures. (or I learn it)

    But the most important tool is fun and the joy of music. Without stress you forget not that easy.

    Have fun - Harry