Delay Time - can it be controlled with an expression pedal or not?

  • I have searched the forum and I'm no wiser!
    With my Line 6 M9, it was incredibly simple to assign an expression pedal to change the delay time parameter, and it was a feature I loved and used a fair bit.
    I know this can't currently be done with the Kemper, but that a few others have requested it as a future update. I really think this should be implemented as soon as possible.
    In the meantime, I have read somewhere that it may currently be possible by using NRPNs... but I have no idea how!
    Has anyone done this and, if so, could anybody explain step-by-step how to go about it? I'm using the Kemper Remote.

  • You'll need a unit (pedalboard, DAW...) able to send two MIDI commands at the same time (that sum up to an NRPN command). The Remote is not a MIDI device...

    OTOH, this way you'll be able to control ALL the Profiler's parameters. The list of NRPN commands is available at the D/L section of the main site :)

  • Thanks for you reply, @viabcroce.
    That's a shame. It's a surprising omission, considering the fact that you can achieve the effect by manually turning the 'time' dial when editing delay parameters. Being philosophical, I suppose it's unrealistic to expect the Kemper to replace literally everything.
    I'll hope that one day this feature is included and in the meantime, I guess I'll use an external delay pedal and dedicated expression for the times that I need this effect.

  • Well, generally speaking I think that before purchasing, a clear idea about any device's characteristics should be formed.
    OTOH, Kemper are known to constantly work on upgrading their products, they have actually been adding features upon features every few months, and I would not be surprised if what you described was about to come in a not far future.


  • Sound advice, I'm sure.
    I was actually aware of this particular device's limitations but happily went ahead with my purchase! If Kemper decide to implement this change in the future then great; if not, there's always more than one way to skin a cat.
