DI / Merged Profiles

  • Hey

    i'm looking for a indicator for merged profiles. Is there anything like that? After merging the profile looks to me exactly like a studio profile.

    Also i cant tell which factory / downloaded profiles are merged and which not. I had a look at the manual and this forum and didn't find anything, but maybe i'm just blind?

    I know i should only care about the sound, but this really drives me crazy. I'm using a cabinet for monitoring onstage and cabsim for the mixer. Using merged profiles seems just more correct to me, not to mention i've been very happy with the sounds i achived by switching the cabinets of merged profiles.

    Thanks for your help.

  • I'm not sure there is an indicator other than name or Tag. Some that are noted in a merged pack are later noted to not be merged so it is definitely something that needs to be established or defined better. I've committed to name or tag.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • A lot of guys are putting "merged" in the notes... Although this is only really useful when browsing on rig manager. Adding "merged" in the name is ok, but still not ideal. What's really needed is a flag so that we can select "merged" as a filter type. I too play with a guitar cab and only want to use merged or direct amp... I was happy using normal studio profiles before merged came along, but now they are there I can't seem to get my head around going back. I really hope something to distinguish them gets added soon.