(Solved!) Powered Kemper Profiler Rack Frozen Issue!

  • Hello there fellow Kemper users,

    I am hoping that someone can help me diagnose what is going on with my Kemper unit.

    First off, I absolutely love this unit and have had no serious issues with it...until now.

    Granted that I just sent Kemper an e-mail about this issue shortly after it came to my attention, I am hoping I can fix it on my end and that it isn't a serious bug as I have not found anybody else experiencing this issue. I'll be sure to update this with Kemper's response.

    I have attached a photo of what my issue is...frozen at the home screen. It would normally show me what version I am running beneath the "Kemper Profiler" logo, but now it has ceased and stays frozen on this screen no matter what. It hasn't mattered if I turned it to Tuner, Browser, Perform, or Profiler, this is the screen I am stuck looking at. I have turned the Kemper off, and then back on, but still frozen on this screen and to no avail. I have even unplugged the power cord and waited a full hour before trying it again, and this is still the same result. I had a band practice prior to this issue, and everything was fine and dandy, ran it through my Orange cabinet and had an awesome jam. I got home, wanting to record some ideas, and upon startup, this was my issue. This really bums me out, and I hope Kemper has a fix or at least some knowledge about this issue. I've even tried reuploading the firmware from a USB by holding the < & > upon startup, as well as the top left soft button, and they don't change anything. It sucks to say, but I wish this issue were minor and I hope this thing isn't fried after all the time and funds I have saved to be a part of the Kemper family. I should note that the unit powers on and off just fine, but the frozen screen...how do I make it go away?! Has anybody else experienced this issue? :(?(

  • First off, it's good that you opened a support ticket.
    Apparently your unit is unable to boot completely.
    Therefore I'd put the latest OS in the root directory of your Kemper USB to force a boot & burn process.
    When you have done this simply plug in, then start your profiler by keeping the < and > switches pressed.

  • First off, it's good that you opened a support ticket.
    Apparently your unit is unable to boot completely.
    Therefore I'd put the latest OS in the root directory of your Kemper USB to force a boot & burn process.
    When you have done this simply plug in, then start your profiler by keeping the < and > switches pressed.

    This should sort it, I would think :)

  • Thank you for your quick responses.

    I've tried that, and I still have the same frozen screen.

    I've held the < & > buttons before turning the unit on, and shortly after I turn the unit on, and I don't get any sort of notification or change in the screen after it fully loads.

    Once the loading bar hits the far right end, that's all I get. I'm that shy of the unit functioning, :(

    The firmware is up to date and I ensured my USB had the latest. The Kemper isn't responding to anything.

    I'm hoping there is another way around this.


  • I've checked the procedures listed on the WikiKPA. I have tried every single one of those resetting options, and my screen is still frozen. I don't get any sort of pop up, notification, or change. I was hoping since the unit still turns on and off just fine, that it would at least respond to those commands. It hasn't responded to anything. ?(


  • I've checked the procedures listed on the WikiKPA. I have tried every single one of those resetting options, and my screen is still frozen. I don't get any sort of pop up, notification, or change. I was hoping since the unit still turns on and off just fine, that it would at least respond to those commands. It hasn't responded to anything.

    Maybe we share the same fate.
    I also sent back my Profiler to the Seller after the mentioned procedures brought no improvement.
    I hope my KPA is coming home soon.

    stay tuned - Harry

  • Checking in again! I got a response from Kemper, but I'm not sure if it's worth posting because believe it or not, my Kemper began working again out of the blue! 8o I left it unplugged for a good four hours, and randomly decided to give it another shot. I was expecting to see the frozen screen again, but it displayed the version I was running, and functioned just as it normally would! A very strange bug...I honestly have no idea what made the freezing occur, or what happened to have it start up properly. Is this a bug in the newest firmware? Either way, I ran a flash memory erase, and manually downloaded the default rigs from the Kemper with it plugged into my laptop. I didn't want to take any strange chances. I honestly don't know if that will help anything, but it makes me comfortable. Hopefully nothing like that ever happens again. I was sweating bullets! =O<X


  • Checking in again! I got a response from Kemper, but I'm not sure if it's worth posting because believe it or not, my Kemper began working again out of the blue! 8o I left it unplugged for a good four hours, and randomly decided to give it another shot. I was expecting to see the frozen screen again, but it displayed the version I was running, and functioned just as it normally would! A very strange bug...I honestly have no idea what made the freezing occur, or what happened to have it start up properly. Is this a bug in the newest firmware? Either way, I ran a flash memory erase, and manually downloaded the default rigs from the Kemper with it plugged into my laptop. I didn't want to take any strange chances. I honestly don't know if that will help anything, but it makes me comfortable. Hopefully nothing like that ever happens again. I was sweating bullets! =O<X

    Great you're running again.

  • First off, it's good that you opened a support ticket.
    Apparently your unit is unable to boot completely.
    Therefore I'd put the latest OS in the root directory of your Kemper USB to force a boot & burn process.
    When you have done this simply plug in, then start your profiler by keeping the < and > switches pressed.

    Quick question, I'm having this same issue but I can't find out how to "force a boot and burn process."


  • Quick question, I'm having this same issue but I can't find out how to "force a boot and burn process."


    After putting the kaos file in the root directory of your USB stick you need to restart your profiler while keeping the < > buttons pressed.

  • After putting the kaos file in the root directory of your USB stick you need to restart your profiler while keeping the < > buttons pressed.

    Yeah, that didn't work. Seems I have a bad unit. Support gave me a shipping label and I see it's been delivered, but when I write to see where they are in the process I get no response. Is there a way to do a factory reset for Kemper support? ;)