Spdif sound quality

  • Hello

    I'm trying to get the best possible sound quality recording my Kemper profiles.
    I use a Focusrite scarlett 18i8 and Reaper.

    Somehow the sound through headphones directly on the Kemper sounds way better then when connected to the Scarlett headphone jack. (Yes i have turned off headroom space, no effects only stack, same volume etc.)
    When listening through the Scarlett it sounds somewhat muffled, processed and compressed in comparison to the Kemper headphone jack. Should i not have exactly the same sound from the Focusrite since the Kemper should do all the d/a conversion?
    I bought some expensive spdif cables today but it is still noticable.
    Am i missing something?
    Sorry i'm kinda new to the whole digital stuff...

  • Check your SPDIF output setup in the outputs menu. This can be setup in many different ways depending on what you are trying to accomplish including reamping. Make sure in this case you have it set to master out L/R (Can't remember the exact text) and that should probably fix your issue. I suspect it is set to something more like GIT or something currently.

  • I think it is very enjoying tendency of interface manufacturers to load it with dsp effects... I don't want that... I would like to have it simple.
    My interface software comes with a software mixer with an unreadable layout and strange effects... I think I have them of... But you never know.
    Thus I think this might be a valuable hint.

  • Thanks for the input guys.
    Since i am pretty new to this stuff i don't exactly understand what you mean with DSP effects, but on the Scarlett mixcontrol software that comes with my interface, there is no effects that i can switch on/off. I keep all levels at 0db so no boosting or cutting.
    It is not a volume issue due to headphone levels.
    More of a blanket thrown over my sound.
    Not drastic, but definitaly there.

    Edited once, last by EmGee76 (November 21, 2015 at 2:54 AM).

  • I set my spdif output to git/stack so that i have my wet sound, and a clean for later use. Should be ok.
    Today i have been experimenting with it some more.
    Dedicated project in Reaper with only one track activated being the wet signal from the Kemper (spdif R), no FX opened in reaper what so ever.

    Still the quality from the Kemper sounds more lively and warmer. From the Scarlett less powerfull and processed. (Again not drastic, but enough to be irritated) Like theres been some extra a/d/a conversion. But i can't find any settings on both the Kemper or Scarlett (or Reaper) to control where the conversion is taking place. I assume if you hook up your Kemper spdif a digital signal is send out and the Scarlett spdif in should recieve it as such.

    Only thing other than that i can think of is maybe the passing of the signal through the hardware is degrading the signal a bit. But i use only quality stuff.

    I won't be able to record any clips the coming few days Unfortunatly.

  • Viabcroce i had to look it up but my headphone impedance is 64 ohms. The Scarlett is optimized for 60 ohms and the Kemper 33 ohms. The Scarlett should actually sound BETTER as the Kemper with my headphones from what i understand. So i guess thats not it.

  • I set my spdif output to git/stack so that i have my wet sound, and a clean for later use. Should be ok.

    This is likely not what you want and won't usually match the KPA HP master out if running anything in stereo or post stack effects. The equivalent if you want git on one channel and a single mono channel of full master on the other is git/master-left.

    However to match the *true* full stereo image of the KPA HP out I would use Master Sterno as the setting unless I was recording the raw GIT signal for re-amping. Just to compare try master stereo and see if it matches better.

  • Viabcroce i had to look it up but my headphone impedance is 64 ohms. The Scarlett is optimized for 60 ohms and the Kemper 33 ohms. The Scarlett should actually sound BETTER as the Kemper with my headphones from what i understand. So i guess thats not it.

    yep, you could be right :) But the impedance alone is not enough to foresee how good a socket will sound.

    anyway, as a side note and in terms of pure linearity, the best option would be to use a 600 ohm pair of HPs for the Scarlett, and at least 330 for the Profiler.