What happened with FW and lack of power to run the remote after version 3.x?

  • Hi!
    After trying to upgrade to FW 3.x earlier this year, I noticed lack of power to my remote thru the stock ethernet cable on my KPA Power Rack.
    My older unpowered toaster didn't experience the same problem (power is fine), but the newer Rack can hardly power the remote (light in display & led's are dimmed).
    I have tried to adjust the contrast on the remote itself, and also from the system menu with no luck.
    So I decided to stay on FW 2.x instead, where I have no problem powering the remote.

    Today I decided I wanted to upgrade the Rack to FW 3.20 to see if the problem was solved...
    Well, the Toaster runs perfectly fine, but the Rack version are still having the same problem.

    Weird or what..?
    Same remote/cable used for A/B testing...

    Then I decided to try another shorter Ethernet cable (Cat 6) I had laying around.
    Toaster and Remote were fine as always, but with the Rack the Remote display became a little bit brighter.

    Any ideas on what causes this..?
    (If I downgrade to any version prior to 3.x everything behaves normal, but any version from 3.x causes this problem)


  • So you're having this problem both on Rack and Head version for OS > 3.x.x ? Or only Rack has low power symptoms for > 3.x.x ?

    The RJ-45 connection standard cable has 4 wires 4,5,7,8 that carry the current (while 1,2,3,6 carry the data).

    The simples test would be to sacrifice some ethernet cable, cut it in the middle and measure the voltages between DC Power (+) adn DC Power (-) for Rack and Head and compare these values.

    [Blocked Image: http://i.stack.imgur.com/ONqqr.jpg]

    Looks like orange and green cables carry the data, so the blue and brown are to transmit current

    [Blocked Image: http://s1.postimg.org/doikcdl27/aas4.png]

    Edited 2 times, last by skoczy (November 8, 2015 at 5:32 PM).

  • I just contacted support via email with the same problem after upgrading to 3.2.1, hopefully not the same problem Pick909 had as it was the KPA. I've tried two ethernet cables and not luck. It shows that the Profiler is connected on the Remote Display, very faintly, but everything is greyed out on the profiler. Any ideas?

  • The response I got from support was that I have to send it back for repair/replace, but the roundtrip will take approx. 3,5 weeks.
    I cannot be without it for that long (already sold my FCB1010), so I ordered a second remote as a spare...
    Tested it using the same steps as caused my first remote to dim down and the new one doesn't have this problem.