[CiliLab] - 40% off. Use code:564SVR

  • Regarding size of the packs...

    If I'm gonna do the BIG pack again, like I did with previous ones, it would take a few months again [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png] I like the idea of making a smaller pack, something like 30 profiles max! But also with different gain stages, so that would be 60 profiles per amp haha.

    I have 10 cabs so it would be 6 profiles per cab.

    And as long as the number isn't exceeding 100 for me that's a "small" pack.

    First I need to send an update for the Boogie mk5:25 to people who bought it (at the ebd of this week) and tben I'll post few profiles from Uber and BE100.

    Take care guys!

  • Mr.JVM on sale for the next 3 days!
    33% off! From 15€ to 10€.

    Use code:jvm

    The pack has 364 Merged & 39 direct amp profiles in total. All channels, all modes, boosted, unboosted.From clean, crunch,raw to modern.
    Tweak them to your liking!
    *Mesa Boogie Stiletto - 4x12
    *Marshall 1960 AHW - 4x12
    *Marshall 1960A DM - 4x12
    *Marshall 1960B - 4x12
    *Marshall 1960A - 4x12
    *Orange PPC412 - 4x12
    *Randall R212CX - 2x12
    *Neumann U87
    *AKG C414B
    *Shure SM57
    *Sennheiser MD421
    *Beyerdynamic M 160
    *Maxon OD 820
    *Neve 1037
    *UAD Solo 610

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  • Neumann U87
    *AKG C414B
    *Shure SM57
    *Sennheiser MD421
    *Beyerdynamic M 160

    Oh man, when I saw this, and this:

    Neve 1037

    ... I almost peed my pants, Ivan!

    Mate, the four blue mic's are 4 of my 5 all-time faves; the 5th is a C12, and it's (I think) a $60 000 mic now, and possibly the all-time classic for vocal recording, apart from the U87. Never seen it used on a cab 'though, so even if I'd had the choice, I'd still have gone for the four I highlighted.

    The Neumann - huge on everything.
    The AKG - Accurate and airy, and arguably the most-versatile mic in history.
    SM57 - The definitive mojo mic for cabs (and snare), IMHO.
    MD421 - My fave for kick drum and "big" toms... and bass cabs - awesome low end.

    Put these together, and put 'em through my fave preamp (the Neve - see below), and you've made something I've just gotta have. I've searched for decent JVM Profiles for 2 years, mainly 'cause the 410H is my Brother's amp and he won't part with it unless he can have it on the Kemper. Seeing as I have a shitty room and don't have those fave mic's you used, which I'd have chosen as well, I couldn't do his amp for him myself. All the JVM Profiles I've heard and bought are either too phasey, too thin or too sterile (lifeless). One in particular, from a very-well-known vendor, has balls and is super-accrue and phase-free, but it lacks mojo and life. Not organic at all.

    Then there's the Neve. I saved for 5 years for one and then the Slate emulator came out before I'd finished my lay-buy, so I spent the extra money on guitars instead. Also, part of the lay-buy was for a C414B, which you've used as well. Same story - Slate took care of that even 'though I've always wanted only 2 mic's for vocals (until Slate ruined my dream) - a U87 and a C414B.

    Sooo... talk about an alignment of the stars! You have the pack on special right now too. There's only one problem - I literally won't have the money 'til next Thursday. I wonder if you could make a special-favour exception for me and allow me to use the code / get the 33% off next Thursday or Friday. I'd have to draw the money out on one of these days (weather-dependent 'cause I have no car and am on foot), and pop it into my PayPal account before I can grab the pack.

    Please think about it brother. Every damned variable's screaming at me, saying, "Buy me!". What's a monkey to do? :/

    On top of all this, you've used the same cab as his... and then added a bunch of others too! This is too much, man. Just what I've been wishing for since day 1 with the Kemper.

  • Ivan, small packs of 30 will still be killer man, hey its YOU brother you NEVER have put out shit..
    i got every pack minus 2 maybe...hmmm ONLY because i am still going through MONTH AND MONTHS OF WORK GOD DAM IT.

    Thanks @nll for the boogie man! Great old skool metal sound for me.

    The reason the present packs are killer [and future packs), is because you have all the best equipment and cabs (not just an ear of doom)

    okay i have almost finished the preset report of Mr Mark 5, so far all the Crunch and IIC+ channels are CRISP man ,with the non EQ and EQ settings you really have a best of in this packman, how the F did you do it...all are great so far on Strat and Gibson

    okay , thats all for now encase i have a beer and come back and say i love you to all :P:thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 2 times, last by ashtweth (May 25, 2017 at 12:01 PM).

  • @Monkey_Man I see you have good taste and knowledge in equipment! Not a lot of Kemper users knows about this. :)

    Whatever and whenever you need something from me, I'm here for you man!!!


  • Haha...bro take your time! Did you try the update? And man, I need to think of something special for my constant customers ASAP!!! <3

  • Ivan, a few months ago you were planning on a cab update for the JVM I believe. Is this still planned? It was 2 more cabs, my memory is quite poor, so i can't remember which cabs these were. But they were about to be releaeed when the Mesa Mk5.25 took over your life....

    If not, not a problem at all.

    I apologise for the vague nature of this question!

  • Ivan, a few months ago you were planning on a cab update for the JVM I believe. Is this still planned? It was 2 more cabs, my memory is quite poor, so i can't remember which cabs these were. But they were about to be releaeed when the Mesa Mk5.25 took over your life....

    If not, not a problem at all.

    I apologise for the vague nature of this question!

    Hi David! No needto apologize man :) the update is made. There's around 250 profiles of 2 cabs waiting to be select atm. Need to finish 2 new packs then on to the update process.

  • One question about the JVM Pack (and in general):
    There are a lot of merged profiles in this pack. Today I read an article about
    merged and studio profiles. The author wrote that studio profiles sound different
    (he wrote "better") than merged profiles.
    Until now I only did use studio profiles.
    So what is the big difference in using them, or can I use them exact the same way than the
    studio profiles and do they sound the same or worse than studio profiles?
    Thanks for help!

  • Hmm... maybe I should just wait for you to update the pack with the new cabs before buying, Ivan?

    @Monkey_Man I see you have good taste and knowledge in equipment! Not a lot of Kemper users knows about this.

    Ha! This reminds me of someone here recently saying that I seem to be well-connected with music-retail peeps here in Australia, when in both that case and this one (your choice of mic's and preamp), it was only a matter of sheer coincidence!

    I don't know much about many other mic's, for instance. Those sounded best to me back in the '90s during AE-training courses, so I remembered them as being my faves. The Neve sound that I love is related to my love of many '70s recordings, mostly fusion and funk.

    No good taste or brains here, mate - just coincidence! LOL

    Whatever and whenever you need something from me, I'm here for you man!!!

    Well, thank you Ivan!

    Hopefully it'll be OK to wait 'til you've added the extra cabs, after which time I'll hit you for that discount. :D

    You're a star, man. I've a feeling you've already created the definitive JVM pack for the Kemper, so the addition of a couple more cabs can only take it to new, unchartered heights! Woohoo!

  • Fing Hell man, okay attached is the MrkV channel 01 preset from the new ENGL cabs update
    absolute most BRUTAL and full body Mark 5 preset i have ever played, my nut sack vibrates (not joking)
    Ivan i dont know what you did with that one man, but i am using a Loomis 7 with active black outs (bridge pick up PLUS lead on the neck is killer)

    Rigs are always killer for me when you can switch to the Neck pu and get a killer lead sound , BUT still get a good RHY sound on the bridge
    with the neck pick up harmonics are sustained rich and the leads are clear as fawk man

    I know Loomis likes the ENGL amps and i think his PU's are voiced close to that "sound", but guys try if you have actives even if you dont play actives.. I was playing Doom, death and revocation absolute insane full body definition and dynamic.
    Ivan i bow to your skills man. ABSOLUTE KILLER PRESET coming through my mission stereo FRFR

    I even forgot about my beer, if that does not say some thing i dont know what does :D

    Since there is another Mark V channel with 01 i took a screen shot how they may appear in RM (the 01 is highlighted on bottom)
    guys try that plus 02 on the crunch channel plus the other 01. Some good lead presets in here too.

    This is defiantly the top 5 of ANY pack out there i have them all

    EDIT - just tested the 03 of the orange cabs
    03 is perfect for Doom, a very unique preset for me

    Ivan that does it, please PM me your Pay Pal soon i would like to send you a bonus <3<3
    for such a great pack and hard work, its just my way of being honest how good this pack is man



    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 10 times, last by ashtweth (May 26, 2017 at 9:34 AM).

  • I just bought the JVM pack, but I'm a little curious because some profiles have different names but are all the same. They are separated in folders, for each cab one folder.
    Inside the folders (for each cab) they are separated in the different channels and modes of the amp.
    But inside a specific channel and mode, f.e. Crunch channel, red mode, the profiles are all the same, even
    they have different names.
    There is no difference in the description (in Rig Manager), the Kemper shows no differences and they sound the same.
    What did I wrong or is there a mistake in JVM Pack?

  • I just bought the JVM pack, but I'm a little curious because some profiles have different names but are all the same. They are separated in folders, for each cab one folder.
    Inside the folders (for each cab) they are separated in the different channels and modes of the amp.
    But inside a specific channel and mode, f.e. Crunch channel, red mode, the profiles are all the same, even
    they have different names.
    There is no difference in the description (in Rig Manager), the Kemper shows no differences and they sound the same.
    What did I wrong or is there a mistake in JVM Pack?

    I haven't had time to go thru 300 plus rigs, but I tried a few and thought my ears were deceiving me. Were they?

    Never too old for rock'n'roll