• Don't see it as a development priority for eventide, as most users aren't using midi, and those that do might not need this feature. There aren't people waiting with money in hand to buy an h9 with this feature, but new algorithms attract new buyers or sell a few algorithms for those who have not maxed or who might if you give em another reason to do so

  • I'm using a Behringer FCB1010 midi controller with the standard (not Kemper) Uno chip. The pedal filters double programchanges. So you can switch the Kemper, say from 9 to 10, and if you stay on the same program with the H9, it fillters the program change, because it stays the same. I'm not a native English speaking person, as you already noticed, but I hope you can catch my drift. :D

  • The easiest way to get your H9 programs changes synced to your KPA, is the way I mentioned above. Each rig in every performance can send program change messages to two different midi devices / midi channels. Your KPA can also send midi clock…

    I have followed davec69's instructions and things are working for the most part. The one issue I am seeking help with has to do with stereo output. I am using two frfr speakers connected to the KPA main outputs and set to master stereo. After following davec69's directions, I was only getting signal to one of my speakers. When I adjusted the KPA output to master left, I again had output to both speakers, but I believe I am not getting the benefit of certain effects i.e. echoes pinging between the two speakers.

    I am new to this type gear and really appreciate the input of members like dave. If anyone can assist with this issue, I will be most appreciative.


  • Part of me keeps it for the new stuff and cool reverbs.

    Part of me has a hard time taming it. Because of that, so far, when I record, it's always straight up Kemper.

    If that keeps up, maybe I'll part with it in a year. But meanwhile, I'm giving myself time to keep taming it so that it fits the song/mix instead of being space alien fx.