Expression Pedal Feedthrough

  • Obviously it'd be great if we could get the expression pedals to control internal effects but it would also be great (especially for those of use go use external effects which can take an expression pedal) to be able to have a Feedthrough to allow us to use expression pedals attached to the remote to control stuff in a rack etc.

  • I've a "secret sauce" use for this, so I'm not tellin'.

    OK, OK... record your wah or whatever with the guitar part as usual, but, also track the MIDI stream to a MIDI track. Then, if you're not happy with all the modulations you made with your foot, edit the MIDI data and reamp whilst sending said data to the Kemper as well.

    Problem solved. Nicky's secret sauce revealed. I'll accept no less than 1% of the royalties, payable through PayChimp... I mean, PayChump.

    I've been waiting for this MIDI-thru feature since day 1 as I consider it essential; I'm not experienced with any sort of guitar pedals, and I rely on tricks like this to get by as a "musician". I had an injury 28 years ago where I lost the use of my hands for 3 years and was told by the head orthopaedic surgeon in the land that I'd never play an instrument again. Tough call for a 19 year old to cop, especially as I lost my job, my band and my girlfriend that same fateful week in 1987. Welcome to the world of being a grown-up, I told myself, and I set forth on this ridiculously-long journey of acquiring the gear to enable my appearing as a band to the uneducated(!). The point being that I use every trick in the book - slow tracking for MIDI, phrase-by phrase recording of guitar and bass and strategic pitch-shifting, for example. The wah-reamp thing will be just another "trick" in the arse@#$... I mean, arsenal.

    Thank you in advance, Christophe and the team!

    Don't forget those royalties, folks; they'll likely be the only ones I ever see! :P

    EDIT for clarity's sake: I can't make repetitive motions with any part of my body without very quickly feeling like I've done it all day (imminent point of failure). This is why I'll be doin' everything in short bursts and stitching them together. There. Now we can all get some sleep. Except that we're Kemper owners and therefore do not enjoy that luxury!