FCB1010 + Uno4Kemper v1.3 in Performance Pre-Selection Mode?

  • I have been using my FCB1010 with the U4K v1.3 PROM for some time. It has always worked whenever I switched banlks in Performance mode by going to the last slot selected. Yesterday at rehearsal for some reason it seems to have gone into "performance pre-selection mode", as described by the U4K FW rev history (from the U4K website):

    "v.1.3 (25/02/2014)
    -> Press switches 1+2 during startup to activate stomp config mode (this avoids interference between stomp config activation and beat scanner activation)
    -> Support for beat scanner activation by keeping the tempo switch pressed (this needed a change in transmitted MIDI messages)
    -> Support for "performance pre-selection". In this mode, while browsing through performances their index is displayed on the FCB1010 display and
    the slot LEDs are blinking. Only after clicking a slot switch the performance is activated. When clicking no slot switch within a certain time,
    the previously active performance and slot are activated again.

    It now seems to be in this mode permanently, when I switch banks all 5 slot LEDs flash together 8 times and the KPA screen is grayed out, and when I select a slot it goes right to it. All that is well and good, and I think it may actually be useful, but I don't know how I managed to put it into this mode, and I would like to know how to get in and out of the mode. I did the FCB1010 U4K factory default reser but no difference, I also did a backup restore on the KPA from my last backup, and it still does it. If it is a soft switch in the Kemper I don't seem to be able to find it, I have looked through the addendi and the manuals and didn't spot anything about that mode.. My FCB1010 with v1.1 does not show this behavior, and according to the FW history notes it never will. Anyway, I will use the mode now, especially as I have no choice, but if anyone can tell me how to control which mode it is in it would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • I will use the mode now, especially as I have no choice, but if anyone can tell me how to control which mode it is in it would be appreciated.

    This setting can be found in the System menu, page "User Interface". The U4K v1.1 can not use that mode, the KPA therefore automatically chooses compatibility.

  • Ah hah - thanks, Timo! Yep, I know, v1.1 doesn't support it, that's why my 1.1 floorboard doesn't show it. But since the KPA needs to be in that mode first, I'm not clear on why it changed. The v1.3 floorboard worked the same as v1.1 since last November and then suddenly during that rehearsal it changed modes, so the setting must have changed for some reason in the KPA, as I did not mess with the System settings at all at the time. It was a very noisy environment electrically speaking, so perhaps that had something to do with it. Our keys guy had weird stuff happening with his status lights on his boards while we were there, so the poor electrical quality may have been the cause after all. I was even using a Furman filtered strip and, while it reduced the noise quite a bit, it was still there. Maybe I should run the KPA on a battery-backed-up UPS when I rehearse there in the future. :)

    Anyway, thanks for pointing it out to me. I think I'll stay in the mode for a while and see how it works out, it may actually have been a serendipitous occurrence. Thanks again!!

  • I looked at the System/User Interface page and found soft buttons: 3 buttons, Rig Autoload, Performance Autoload, and another whose name I don't recall. Which on of these is the control for the performance pre-select?
