New owner - little help with Browse/Perform?

  • I'm not sure I am quite clear on the difference between Browse and Perform modes - seems like you can do both from either?

    I just loaded a few profiles - how do I find them, or what is the best/easiest way to switch between profiles?


  • Ok 1st off browse and performance mode are totally separate from each other. They both have their own save pool. Performance mode is like the title suggests it's for sorting profiles in to an organised order for live playing. Bank 1 would give you 5 slots these could be used for parts of the song like Intro, Verse, Chorus etc. its easier to arrange and program pedal asignments in performance mode than it is in Browse mode also the rig changing time is quicker in PM than BM.

    previewing profiles IMO is best done via rig manager you can preview a profile if you like it save it, if you don't then your KPA is not cluttered up with profiles you don't like you just double click another profile and audition that.

    if you have already saved profiles to the KPA then turn the browse knob and you will be able to audition/select which ever one you want :)

  • The Kemper has "Browse Filters" that you can set to see the Rigs you have recently downloaded. In Browse Mode, you can select "All Rigs", "Last Imported" to see the most recently downloaded rigs.

    The manuals are a great resource - in addition to the one that came with your Kemper, There is also a downloadable "Reference Manual" that does into more detail.