• I would really like to see the stomps parameter names changed to something more familiar.
    For example,
    The compressor, has controls that with the exception of attack (which should really be labeled "Atack time") don't match the parameter names of any comp I've used in 30 years.
    I've read what the manual says the current control names mean, but even after reading that, I'm still in the dark to some degree.

    It makes no sense at all not to label these controls in a way that we all understand.

  • OK, let's stick with the comp for now as that's what's giving me the hump today.
    Why have the squash at all?
    It seems that additional parameters are added before the real guts of the effect are brought up to an expected level.
    I'm a huge fan of the kemper, and sing it's praises to anyone that'll listen, but the effects are really second rate! And to add a level of complexity to the user interface of said effects just makes it worse!

  • I'm a huge fan of the kemper, and sing it's praises to anyone that'll listen, but the effects are really second rate!

    having owned, played, built and recorded with numerous effects myself- both analog and digital - including the AxeFx I don't agree at all. :)

    it's quite easy to generally 'bash' all the - in this case - effects in a unit, but what are you feeling dissatisfied with exactly?

    the compressor stomp is a typical guitar compressor - these boxes usually only have two parameters: compression and level.
    no threshold, ratio, attack and release to be found.
    thanks to the Squash parameter you can already alter the character of the compressor and the mix parameter enables you to do parallel compression,
    that by itself is quite a bonus :)

    for more transparent compression, use the Compression parameter in the AMPLIFIER section, it's ridiculously good