Input settings when profiling..

  • I'm curious about how the Input settings work when profiling as compared to when I'm just playing in browse or performance mode...

    If I get my amp dialed in with my Les Paul, and then hook the guitar to the KPA first for profiling, I find that even though I've set the input gain down (I run it at -6 for distortion sense and clean sense) that the tube rig definitely has more gain now by quite a bit.

    Does the input section get ignored when profiling or does it make more sense to set it at 0 to get a more even sound across guitars later? I really don't understand how I should set it up for profiling vs. playing.

    Ideally, I want to set the KPA such that when added to the chain, the tone remains as unchanged as possible. I understand that I could dial in the rig with the KPA already in the chain, and often I do, but in this case I didn't start with profiling in mind (just found a great tone and decided I wanted to capture it.)

    I also want to make sure that the gain settings I'm hearing before I profile are going to be consistent with what I hear after in performance mode.

    Thanks so much for any suggestions/explanations.