Kemper and Mesa Cab

  • Hello all Im new to Kemper and just got my amp. Im running this through a ISP stealth and a Mesa 4x12, is this a legit way to run the kemper system? Trying to understand, but sometimes it sounds better when I turn the cab button off under the stack options. I gues what Im trying to say the tone sounds more true to the tone when its off. Why is this the case sometimes.

    Edited once, last by theway (June 6, 2015 at 10:29 PM).

  • Welcome.
    When running through a guitar cab you should switch the cab section off.
    Of course this is a legit way to run the Kemper but keep in mind that your cab is colouring every profile and therefore differences between rigs will be way less prominent than with a fullrange solution.

  • I play through Mesa cab 2x12 .
    The best Kemper sound ever , so real and full.
    I do not mind if Mesa cab colour my sound , I actually want such a coloured sound.

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

  • Yes it feels very different but if you work with a lot of "mixed" guitar stuff then it isn't a big change.

    When you play through a cab you get the air but you get the sound of the kemper not going through microphones.... but one of the reason I love the Kemper is because I love hearing the processed amps which are already miced up. Your guitar cab doesn't sound like it does when front of house, but some guitarists find it hard to get their head around it.

    I love the way I play my guitar on my monitors at home and dial in a tone... take it through my matrix speaker fr and crank it up and it sounds exactly the same but just loads louder :)

    I think for me the difference is I am a guitarist who likes mixing, so hearing my guitar like it makes much more sense to me. If you are a guitarist who doesnt mix then the whole sound can be weird because you are not use to the guitar sounding like it. Thats my explanation anyway lol

  • Ok Im on board. What are some good monitors to get?

    Check and search the forum as this is quite a redundant topic.
    Looking for studio monitors there's lots of love for the price range of the Yamaha HS8's and above.
    Looking for louder FRFR monitors that are capable to deliver more sound pressure there's lots of love for Atomic CLR, Matrix Q12a, Camper 112CX, Yamaha DXR 10 and a few more.

  • I used to use a 2x12 Rectifier cab as monitor but found it wasn't great ......Now ( in different bands) I use a 15 inch FRFR monitor on the floor or a 2x12 Cornford cab ( in a country band with only cleans ) with cab turned well for me anyway

  • Find out what profiles you like the sound of thru a ground monitor or studio monitors or hell thru your bands PA system. when you are comfortable with what you are hearing thru the PA THEN worry about how you want to monitor on stage. I use both monitors and a 2x12 cab on stage. Even if I didn't have monitors I know exactly what my tones sound like thru the PA, so it's perfectly fine. Sometimes a profile will sound great with a real amp and cab on stage but thin and weak out front thru the PA: this is what you want to avoid. so find out what the real profile sounds like first. Get what I'm sayin?