Origin Audio - New Pack - Earforce One

  • Check out this great tone and song from Matthias Schölch!

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    He used the Archon Profiles for this, PRS Archon 04 and PRS Archon TS808 04!

    Thanks a lot dude!

  • Kempafun was kind enough to brillantly showcase a lot of different tones and styles the Archon is capable of!
    Thanks a lot man, I wish I could use all the tones myself in that way haha

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  • Kempafun was kind enough to brillantly showcase a lot of different tones and styles the Archon is capable of!
    Thanks a lot man, I wish I could use all the tones myself in that way haha

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  • Just released a new pack, a 3.0 DI/Merged update for the Peavey 6505+
    All new profiles obviously, since the old pack I had was pre FW 3.0 :)

    Here's the link

    Clips to follow!

    Also news regarding owners of the Metal Bundle 1:
    I've just sent out an email to the address you bought the Bundle with, and it contains a link to the new Peavey 6505+ DI/Merged pack.
    Consider that a thank you gift, I really appreciate the support!

  • For anyone who is into buying the archon profiles:
    I bought the them a few weeks ago and I was blown away. My favorite profiles ever.

    I did a quick video today:

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  • Hey guys, I'll be away until the end of the month so I'm temporarily closing the shop until then. I have orders sent out automatically, but I
    don't know when/how I'll have internet access, and I don't wanna have to offer a sub-par customer service so it stays closed until I come back.

    If anyone is near any of these dates, drop by and say hi!
    [Blocked Image: https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12003305_966959726679191_2117659940696282764_n.jpg?oh=bc8100ab3944ec91782777f673dd7c55&oe=5665C7BF]

  • Have a great tour!

    By the way I used the Archron profiles at a festival the other day, blew me away, had a fair few compliments after too so well done on them. Used a clean one, a crunch and one of the low gain ones, although it sounded pretty meaty cranked. The sound guy was struggling with the KPA clipping his desk through the xlr out, even on -18db so we miced my 112 V30 because it needed to be a quick turn around, but the profiles sounded huge even through that.

  • Thanks guys, tour was great!

    Great to hear you got some good use out of the archon pack, ragingben!
    Yeah the Kemper out is pretty hot, I think I have it set to -24db for a live scenario to the desk.

    The shop is up again, and I took the chance to remove the trademark issues and logos etc. Hope it's clear enough.

    Next up are 2 packs that I have to finish putting together (everything profiled already, a matter of organisation and choosing the profiles), and one metal monster I bought a couple of weeks back is still waiting to be profiled.

    Did a couple of clips of the PV pack 2 while I was at it

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  • New pack out now!

    Ore-Range Darth Error (based on an Orange Dark Terror in 15w mode)
    get them here

    This pack turned out more fun than I expected. Got a lot of tones out of the little box. Lots of fun to play!
    29 Profiles. a couple of clean, a couple boosted.
    4 Shape settings with 4 Gain stages

    Heres some clips

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    Gain and Shape Settings

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  • I think I'll pick up the dark terror pack if I get a chance tomorrow, it's an amp I've always fancied trying out, but was always put off owning because I don't do many gigs where I don't need a decent amount of clean headroom, but with the KPA this is no longer a problem!

  • I really like the Dark Terror pack, especially the 'D' range of profiles, the darker sounding ones are nice but the 'D' range sit better with me. I think these really show how good the KPA is at capturing the feel of an amp, you can really feel this is a smaller EL84 amp. I like the boosted ones too, be good to have a boosted version of A, B,C and D. It's amazing the difference between the Mesa and Orange cabs too.

    Edited once, last by ragingben (October 12, 2015 at 8:09 AM).

  • Thanks man, glad you like it!

    My personal favorites are the slightly darker ones, the "C" range, but "D" comes right after that. Those where the ones where shape was the most to the right, before it started to get weirdly scooped and overly fizzy.
    You're right about the Kemper making it easier to get a good use out of the amp. My bandmate regularly had the issue of unwanted change in sound, due to having to crank the thing. Headroomissues and 15W haha

    I wanted to do the TS ones according to the A-D range, but A sounded really really honky with a TS, I didn't like it at all. So I just set it to what I thought worked with the TS02 is the one with the shape settings from D though! TS01 is betten B and C. TS03 was more of a fun try to get the defintion as high as I could, with lots of tone and level from the TS. Turned out pretty interesting lol

  • Yeah I get what you mean with the orange fizzyness, I'm never sure how much I love them really cranked into fuzz territory... Actually I've owned a few EL84 amps and I've found all of them tend to get pretty fizzy quite quickly. The clean is actually really nice, and with the KPA I could easily gig that, I can see why your band mate has problems with them though! For me these smaller lunch box amps really are hit or miss, they're all about the fact you can actually crank them at those small venues where you don't mic up, but then they aren't easy to get what you want if it's anything but dirt because the power amps are starting to clip! Great set though, it's a nice addition because for me the KPA is all about the fact that you get variety, and this is certainly something a bit different.

  • There's a very narrow spot (on the dark terror at least), where it nicely bright with the tight amount of fizz. Past that it gets weirdly scooped with really piercing highs. I think on the DT it's around right before 3 o'clock.

    My bandmate has had problems with the Dark Terror (not the Profiles or anything, he doesn't have a Kemper, not sure if I articulated my ramblings clear enough in that regard haha), but only because (as you said) because of headroom issues. (This is in an hardcore content mind, so pretty hi gainy terr(or)itory *oh how puny*).
    It got really middy and untight in a bad way, when the powertubes where giving 99%.

    On stages where monitoring or volume wasn't an issue, it was always great sounding, both on and off stage. On loud rehearsal days it was an issue sometimes, especially for me cause his cab hits right in my face (thanks earplugs tho).

    But we both were glad that he got a new amp before the tour. We had 2 really old school hardcore clubshows (no mics apart from voices and kick), no chance that the DT would have been powerful enough to be heard. The Jetcity HDM100 didn't have those problems tho. Also a very nice amp!
    Gonna take a closer look at that one sometime too ;)

    Glad you find the DT pack useful!