KPA Questions from a new guy

  • Hey!
    I purchased a power rack version last Friday direct from Kemper, and it is currently on its way to Canada via Germany as we speak. I am super stoked to get my hands on it. I plan to use it extensively live and in the studio. Right now I have a crazy pedal board. Myself and a friend of mine have a small business here and we build flight cases, custom pedal boards, and offer custom pedal board wiring so we have gone through a few boards of our own in the last year testing things out.

    Perhaps my most important concern is whether or not my board will gel well with this setup.

    Firstly, here is my boards current setup.

    I have a True Bypass Looper that runs the following things: Diamond Comp, Maxon OD9, Xotic SL Drive, Klon KTR, Frantone Peach Fuzz, Xotic EP Booster (My Looper also has a TRS jack that runs to my midi controller for a master tap tempo for my midi devices)

    My Disaster Area DMC-6D controls patches on my Strymons (Timeline & Mobius) which are both run with a pigtronix Dual expression pedal so I can control them both.

    Alongside those I run a Strymon Bluesky and Boss Harmonist.

    I also have a custom I/O box we built with a switchable signal chain that will allow me to run all my effects into the front of my amp(s) or I can split my signal and send all my wet effects into the effects loop of 1 or 2 amps, depending on my setup. Normally I have been running everything to the front end of the amp, and I'm wondering if that would be my best option with the Kemper or if I should be using the onboard loop from the effects section.
    I may be wrong on this, but could I assign a stereo effects loop for my wet effects to the X or MOD button, then lock that to always on in my performance mode enabling me to continue using my board and midi controller as normal? Then just hit the front end with my drive pedals like I would a standard tube amp?

    Despite my affinity for pedals and my love of this insane board I currently run, I'm also looking for advice on a foot controller. Ideally I would like something capable of 2 way communication so I can see my patch names when I'm not near my rack.

    Obviously I have looked into the Remote from Kemper, but my only problem there is that it will take me upwards of 3 1/2 months to get one according to the site, and I am gigging very regularly. Bare minimum one night a week, usually more like 3-4. I would like to be able to access all these awesome features of having many different amps at the touch of a button on a moments notice.

    I have looked at some others as well like the Mastermind, Ground Control, Softstep 2, FCB 1010, etc. but I'm wondering what the general consensus is on what is the best pairing. I know the price I'm willing to pay would be a factor in what the best pairing is, but price is not a huge concern for me. I just want to have the accessibility and ease of use I get from using my pedal board, but through using the onboard effects and amp models in the Kemper. I would like all my sounds to be self contained and the sooner I can have a foot controller to help me attain that the better. (Anyone selling a Remote? :) )

    Also, a friend of mine is building me a wedge style cab with a 112 speaker (Eminence Beta 12-CX), a crossover, and a tweeter that will be designed to angle up at me and have my rack placed on top. Not sure if anyone has tried this particular combo of things to see if it works, but my aim is to get as close to my FOH feed as possible for my on stage monitoring.

    Sorry for my rambling post, but I am beyond excited to get this thing, and I have a million and a half questions, and you all seem so helpful in all these threads. Any words of advice you may have, even words not pertaining directly to any of my above concerns would be hugely appreciated.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post!


    I've had a longer relationship with my Kemper than anyone I've ever dated. I'm not mad about it.

  • Behringer FCB 1010 with the UNO4Kemper chip instead of the Kemper Remote.

    My advice would be to STICK WITH IT! So many times I wanted to get rid of it because the learning curve frustrated me. Truth be told I knew shit, and still know shit, but these days I can get the tones that I want out of it, and that's amazing for me. I wouldn't get rid of it now, no way.

  • Also look at the Roland FC-300. Its better quality IMO than the FCB and much more flexible in live use. You can switch to CC Mode on the fly and have 9 different CC message buttons at your disposal. It also has 2 expression pedals with toe switches.

  • My biggest thing is live functionality. My Power Rack is set to arrive next Thursday. Debating ordering the remote this week, because I know the wait list is long. I'm going to use my board for the time being. Which is easier to control? The Roland or the Behringer? The main reason for wanting the Kemper Remote for me is that I know proprietary hardware will be super easy to program and as long as I can dial in the sounds on the unit it will make them very accessible for me. And I do a lot of very different gigs that require different sounds so I would like to be able to use the Rig Manager software to configure my remote and KPA for whatever gig I've got coming up next. Some are simpler than others, but some require very specific sounds that I need to get on the fly. My midi controller on my pedal board is acting as the brain for my pseudo complex switching now. Would like the flexibility of global changes that this unit is seemingly very well equipped to handle.

    I've had a longer relationship with my Kemper than anyone I've ever dated. I'm not mad about it.

  • I just set up my Ground Control Pro to interface with my loop switcher, Strymons, and Eventide Pitchfactor. So far, I'm amazed at how well that unit suits my needs. I'm also waiting on my PowerRack, but if it's as easy as the other units to configure, I'll have no problems what-so-ever. GCPro gets my recommendation for sure. Let me know if you have any questions.


  • Wow. # 1 That pedalboard setup sounds amazing. It probably SOUNDS great as well. # 2 My first reccomendation is that the fcb 1010 is way cheap (comparitively) as are the uno4kemper chip and eureka prom which make it plug and play. The quality of the built in pedals are terible though but can easily be modded with your skills to utilize standard expression pedals as well as phantom power. # 3 My ideal board seems to keep evolving the longer I own the kemper and I get better aquainted with its internal effects as will yours Im sure.

  • Wow. # 1 That pedalboard setup sounds amazing. It probably SOUNDS great as well. # 2 My first reccomendation is that the fcb 1010 is way cheap (comparitively) as are the uno4kemper chip and eureka prom which make it plug and play. The quality of the built in pedals are terible though but can easily be modded with your skills to utilize standard expression pedals as well as phantom power. # 3 My ideal board seems to keep evolving the longer I own the kemper and I get better aquainted with its internal effects as will yours Im sure.

    Haha I'm a bit of a pedal junkie! It's been a long process figuring out what I wanted, and this board does sound killer. I'm contemplating just using this board with the Kemper for a bit. I may end up having no need for a remote, but I'm interested to see the full capabilities of the KPA with its proprietary hardware. Thank you for the input though, and I may try a behringer out for the time being.

    Eric, I'm more than convince the GCPro can do amazing things and it sounds like you've got it pretty well dialed in to do everything but play guitar for you ;) I'm jealous of that. Be curious to see how it pairs with your pedals and power rack! Mine is slated to be delivered on Thursday, so I will keep you posted haha

    I've had a longer relationship with my Kemper than anyone I've ever dated. I'm not mad about it.

  • I`m using Gordius little Giant... It has 2way communication, you can send as many pc`s or cc`s as you want, 2x Midi In`s and out`s (with Midi filter) and even the abbility to do some Midi automatication. It also has custom Program for Kemper you can download at theyr site, what gives abbility to plug and play..