Operating System / Remote questions

  • I've read on here there have been issues with some of the users Remotes. Does anyone know which opereating system is the best to use with the remote currently? The reason I ask is I am running 3.0 and need to know if I should upgrade before plugging in my Remote? I have also read that some users remotes went dead after a short time of using them. Does anyone know if it is a software or hardware issue?

    Thanks in advance for your responses.

  • I think that most of the issues are hardware related. Mine will be replaced soon. My problem was at boot up, sometimes the remote started and sometimes not, but once it started everything just worked fine with 3.0.2.

  • When you first connect the Remote, make sure the KPA is turned off. Then, boot up and be patient. The first time you boot them together, there are long pauses as the firmware in the Remote is updating. If you get impatient, and interrupt the FW update (it's going on in the background), it will potentially really mess up the Remote. I have had zero problems.

  • When you first connect the Remote, make sure the KPA is turned off. Then, boot up and be patient. The first time you boot them together, there are long pauses as the firmware in the Remote is updating. If you get impatient, and interrupt the FW update (it's going on in the background), it will potentially really mess up the Remote. I have had zero problems.

    Don't worry I knew about some issues with the remote and I took care to do it right. But it is a hardware bogus on some units.

  • When you first connect the Remote, make sure the KPA is turned off. Then, boot up and be patient. The first time you boot them together, there are long pauses as the firmware in the Remote is updating. If you get impatient, and interrupt the FW update (it's going on in the background), it will potentially really mess up the Remote. I have had zero problems.

    the firmware in the remote never will be messed up when the update procedure is interrupted: it's buffered completely, validated and only written if everything is OK. This has been tested very, very extensively. so: no worries here, but indeed be patient to wait for the complete update...

  • the firmware in the remote never will be messed up when the update procedure is interrupted: it's buffered completely, validated and only written if everything is OK. This has been tested very, very extensively. so: no worries here, but indeed be patient to wait for the complete update...

    :thumbup: to Kemper engineering methodology. This is how you make the update process very robust.