Expression Pedal Linking to any Parameter

  • Tick-Tock...

    The Remote support has been part of firmware for almost a year now... and this is still not a thing. :/

    Is the company even reading these feature request threads? I can't recall a new feature request being incorporated in a good while... at least since enabling the remote expression jacks. (which was promised at unveiling anyway.) (Pure Cab was evidently a pet project of someone's, I don't think there was a feature request for that one.)

    I'd at least like to know if this has "any" priority at all.

    Edited once, last by 3DogNate (December 28, 2015 at 6:55 PM).

  • I get the feeling that there's something big coming. It was a while back that Christoph Kemper himself stated that they were working on updating the delay, and yet there's been no public beta since Pure Cab, which is a bit unusual given the track record. It would make sense to update the control options at the same time as the delay, I reckon. On the other hand, it might just be because it's that time of year, where everything seems to slow down due to holidays, illness and whatnot.

    Fingers crossed...

  • Can't do it outside of Morphing. I did it by setting up a preset with Morph that only changes Delay Feedback and control it with my expression pedal. All my other presets Morph different things apart from that one patch I use for Delay Feedback. Hope this helps.