How to get the looper working with any Midi Device

  • How to get the looper working with any Midi Device (without external software): :P


    If you have a Midi Device, that allows you to send four CCs at once, it is very easy:
    Here are the commands:

    CC#=Controller Number, V=Value

    Rec/Play/Overdub: CC#99 V125, CC#98 V88, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    Stop/Erase:CC#99 V125, CC#98 V89, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    Undo:CC#99 V125, CC#98 V93, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    TriggerCC#99 V125, CC#98 V90, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    ReverseCC#99 V125, CC#98 V91, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    1/2 SpeedCC#99 V125, CC#98 V92, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)


    If you have a device that allows you to send two CCs at one time (like FCB 1010 etc), it´s easy too:

    I have recognized, that all commands need the same two controller numbers:

    CC#99 V125 and CC#38 V1

    The trick is to program one button as looper activator with this two values, if you set the midi running status “on”, the Kemper will keep this two CCs in his memory until you power it off

    Then set up the other buttons:

    CC#=Controller Number, V=Value

    Rec/ Overdub: CC#98 V88, CC#38 V1

    Play:CC#98 V88, CC#38 V0

    Stop/Erase(press button 3 times): CC#98 V89, CC#38 V1

    Undo/Redo:CC#98 V93, CC#38 V1

    Trigger Start: CC#98 V90, CC#38 V1

    Trigger Stop: CC#98 V90, CC#38 V0

    Reverse/Unreverse: CC#98 V91, CC#38 V1

    1/2 Speed: CC#98 V92, CC#38 V1


    If you have a device that allows you to send only one CC it´s a little tricky – you have to split all the commands and put it on two buttons like this:

    Looper Activation:
    Button 1: CC#99 V125
    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Rec/ Overdub:
    Button 1: CC#98 V88
    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Button 1: CC#98 V88
    Button 2: CC#38 V0

    Stop/Erase(press both switches 3 times alternately in succession):
    Button 1: CC#98 V89
    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Button 1: CC#98 V93
    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Trigger Start:
    Button 1: CC#98 V90
    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Trigger Stop:
    Button 1: CC#98 V90
    Button 2: CC#38 V0

    Button 1: CC#98 V91
    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    1/2 Speed:
    Button 1: CC#98 V92
    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    To retrieve the functions, both buttons must be pressed one after the other. This will work, but it´s a bit awkward to use (maybe for practise purposes).

    I hope it helps some of you!

    Thanks to the Kemper team that has made it possible! :thumbup:

    Good luck und happy programming!

    Play it like you mean it.

  • Hello Metal671, the Presonus AudioBox itself is not able to generate Midi program changes but only forwards them on. This means you must send externally the control commands (either with a recording software, such as Cubase, etc. or an external MIDI controller), they are only looped through the audio box.

    Play it like you mean it.

  • Midi noob here. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to program the fcb 1010 with either the uno4k chip or the eureka prom ? I have both. Not sure if I could change one of the existing mode screens to looper functionality. The eureka also has different controller modes available at startup for different things like axe etc. one of these is called pp for custom programming. Could this be used ? Or is it required to return to stock chip only..

  • Hi tntent,

    It should work well with the Eureka Prom, but not in PA ("Profiling Amp") mode, because the PA-Mode has fixed CC numbers. First you have to change the mode of the Eureka to "PP" mode.
    Instructions how to change the mode can be found here
    Instructions to program the device in PP mode, see here
    With the standard chip, the FCB 1010 is very easy to program with an editor. (I use the Ed Dixon editor)
    Good luck!

    Play it like you mean it.

  • thanks for replying... I guess I can use the eureka prom then but at home be able to switch to pp mode for practice with a looper but not have quick access to regular switching.. Can the standard prom be programmed to have quick access to different modes like uno and eureka ? For example favorite presets then quickly switch to looper mode or effects toggle ?

  • [quote='WS','']Hi tntent,

    It should work well with the Eureka Prom, but not in PA ("Profiling Amp") mode, because the PA-Mode has fixed CC numbers. First you have to change the mode of the Eureka to "PP" mode.
    Instructions how to change the mode can be found here It seems like even in pp mode this only allows 1 cc at once still. Is that correct ? If so, hardly ideal.

  • Thanks so much to the OP for posting this information. It got my wheels churning and now I'm working on a project to make a simple Arduino based box that will access the looper functions through midi. So far it is looking to be simple (6 buttons and a handful of other parts) and might be a good project for those just starting with Arduinos. If anyone's interested I'll post my progress here (might be a while as I'm too busy gigging and recording with the Kemper).

    Thanks also to mortl for sharing his footswitch project with us, it has been inspirational. DIY Midi-Footcontroller .. With Tuner AND Looper

  • WS
    : Need some help troubleshooting, if you don't mind. I finally got my Kemper back after a shift to Singapore. First thing I did was dive into your tutorial to try and get the looper working.

    But it doesn't work. I've tried simultaneously sending four CC commands as well as sending each CC sequentially, but no luck. Am sure I'm doing something wrong, but can't figure it out for myself as frustrating as it is.

    EDIT: ZZZ, it works. I had connected to the midi in on my floorboard lol. Thanks a ton!

    RE-EDIT: On second thoughts, all is not what it seems. Getting some odd behaviour. The looper randomly plays in reverse, clears sometimes and not others etc. Could it be that I'm sending the wrong "off" note when I step off a footswitch? Seems possible, Will have to explore some more. Any advice would be welcome!

  • WS
    : Need some help troubleshooting, if you don't mind. I finally got my Kemper back after a shift to Singapore. First thing I did was dive into your tutorial to try and get the looper working.

    But it doesn't work. I've tried simultaneously sending four CC commands as well as sending each CC sequentially, but no luck. Am sure I'm doing something wrong, but can't figure it out for myself as frustrating as it is.

    EDIT: ZZZ, it works. I had connected to the midi in on my floorboard lol. Thanks a ton!

    RE-EDIT: On second thoughts, all is not what it seems. Getting some odd behaviour. The looper randomly plays in reverse, clears sometimes and not others etc. Could it be that I'm sending the wrong "off" note when I step off a footswitch? Seems possible, Will have to explore some more. Any advice would be welcome!

    If I may make a suggestion, if you haven't done this already, obtain a midi computer interface and download the free program midiox. You can then use midiox to analyze the midi output commands from your project and get an idea of what it is sending to your Kemper. I used midiox to verify and troubleshoot the output of my looper project while developing the code, and everything then worked correctly first time with the Kemper. IMHO midiox is essential for developing any midi applications with a microcontroller.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, you can log midi data from your project with midiox and send it via IM or post, and we can take a look at it and try to help with the issues.

    Edited once, last by MKB (June 13, 2015 at 2:44 PM).